Hi, i want to do animation on standing waves. The formula is
y = 2 * Amplitude * sin(kx) * cos(wt)
Please find the link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Standing_wave.gif for reference
Hi, i want to do animation on standing waves. The formula is
y = 2 * Amplitude * sin(kx) * cos(wt)
Please find the link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Standing_wave.gif for reference
Do you mean a fluid sim with waves? Not sure what you are trying to do.
The reference wave is just an animated curve(?)
The last reply to this topic was almost 10 years ago, but i hope my answer helps someone.
I came up with an animation solution using Python scripts. A short script was written by trial and error.
Initially, you need to create an object in blender so that it has enough vertices:
Then you need to go to the “Scripting” section, paste in my python script, and correct line 29 with the name of your object:
After that you run the script and in the animation section the script will create animation keys for your object and your object will change:
Now you can start the animation and render. For a more accurate result, I advise you to experiment with the variables mult, Amp, len_wave and T
Deleting animation keys will not help you return the object to its initial state. To return an object to its initial state, you need to execute “Undo” or Crtl+Z.
Sorry for the inaccurate description, the text was translated via Google Translate from Russian to English. Hope I helped you. Good luck.