I just finished modeling and texturing another ship, a Klingon Raptor Class Scout ship from the show.I took a couple of screenshots of it along with the NX-01 i did just before this in the game…
Now that im done this one, im modeling a Vulcan ship iv always really liked the design of!!!
WOW! :o
The texturing on those ships are fantastic!
Get more glow on the engines and they’re perfect, certainly better than any star trek games i’ve played!
Hmmm, iv never had so much trouble with this host, at least not that anyone has mentioned not being able to see my pics so much…
I’ll see what i can do about finding someone to post it elsewhere so you guyz can see, other than that all i suggest is try another day and refresh type stuff…
Sorry guyz!!!
And for all those who could see it, and left such nice compliments, thank you very muchly!!!
wow those are really nice models, you won’t be putting blender to shame anytime soon (unless you release the game and it realy sucks) but thats not the point, your entire models are great