Star Wars AT-ST

This is probably my most ambitious project so far (well, other than that short film I worked on for several months then realised I was a complete idiot :rolleyes:). I’ll probably post a screenshot of my progress every three or four days as I’m a slow worker and get distracted a lot.

ATM I’m working on blocking out the main parts of the walker and blocking out some of the details. I’ll get into nitty gritty stuff once I’m done with that. Here’s what I’ve done so far:

I don’t have very good reference images for a lot of the parts (the engine, weapons, etc.) so if you know of any good sites to get these I’d be oh so thankful! :smiley: So far I’m just using my artist’s instinct to model these parts, heh.

Hopefully keeping a WIP here will help with my motivation to finish the project, too. I’m terrible at finishing stuff. :o

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have you tried these? I googled the keywords AT ST blueprint

Doh! Why didn’t I think of doing that first… I did start off with some blueprints but they were in rather low quality so were only good for tracing large pieces.

Started on the engine.

nice work so far.

try out these reference shots

Those are perfect! I’d hug you if I could.

Wow… Looking over these images and what I’ve done I’ve got a lot to redo. :smiley:

I have yet to start working on mine in Blender. But, I will be using it to learn some more stuff myself. :wink: You have an excellent start.

Those images are fantastic!!! I bought the model I posted the link to. Honestly, it’s a very quick build and I have something I can put my hands on if I need to. :wink:

2AM… Either I’m really high on caffeine or this project is really fun. The images Roc refered me to are helping so much, and here’s the proof:

I do apologise for the low sampling of the images but I’m running a dual core Intel Atom N570 1.66 GHZ processor (I think that’s it)… Terrible. Next step will be detailing the head thing, most likely. :slight_smile:

This has to be animated when finished. Nice thing about it is that a smooth walk animation is exactly what you don’t want. I see redwoods and ferns in your future. Perhaps an ewok as well. Looking great so far.

Haha thanks! Assuming I finish it I do have the intention of animating it. :evilgrin:

Head mostly finished. Got a few details to go on the top of it but I might leave them out.

I’m thinking the engine would be the logical thing to work on next but I might go backwards and start on the feet and work my way up.

Good job! I love this vehicle :slight_smile:

There is just a little problem on this part (on red):

Good luck for the rest :wink:

Ah yes, thanks. I didn’t even notice it before.

I tried to start on the feet but found it pretty irksome… so instead I’m working on the legs.

Made some progress on the legs over the last few days. I did a little bit of experimenting with constraints and parenting and got what I have of the legs to work decently. Would rigging this way be better than using a proper armature?

EDIT: Updated render with more lighting and a few minor details.

I would assume it depends on how long your shot of the moving legs will be. I would think it would save a lot of time just using armatures if you want to keep it simple. This is a cool project by the way, looking forward to seeing more.

Looks great so far. :slight_smile: I can see how the feet will be a P.I.T.A.!!!

The legs are looking good though.

Can’t wait to see this one in action.

nice work…

Decided I’d do a whole render, just for the Hell of it. Still got stuff to do on the legs.

With 53,206 vertices in the viewport with all subdivision surfaces and bevels turned off, my machine was chugging along. Thank God for the creation of layers. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think I know what I intend to do with it. I’mma try go for photorealism and try animate him into a camera tracking scene or something. However the animation part’ll probably have to wait until I’ve upgraded my PC…

Coming together nicely, excellent attention to detail.

Finally got something worthy to be called a foot.

And the leg is basically done now. :smiley:

I ought to add some more details to that flat part of the leg behind the shield thing. Even though the reference photos aren’t showing any details there, it’d look cooler IMO.