I think that good meshs library for Blender are really missing. I begin one with the best star wars models i can find on the web ( Original format in 3ds, max or lightwave ). 15 models of the second trilogy starship are now disponibles, some others will be added every month.
No, not create the meshs myself. Just convert the original file format to Blender, adapt the mesh for specificities of blender when necessary, ( Other softs generate too many triangulated faces ), reorganise the objects and adapt the materials and uv mappings ( no shaders in Blender and some lwo file formats loose uv mapping ).
Sometime I’ve to repair some meshs, the export 3Dsmax -> 3Ds is sometimes catastrophic, take a look a this sample which was a 3Ds impérial star destroyer in an anterior life
The 3ds converter can do that to a mesh. I have a version of Rhino 3d and use that to convert 3ds and lwos to blends. Here is a Star Destroyed I converted from theforce.net