Starbucks Frappuccino

It didn’t work, because making the logo fully solid makes the glass solid. But the glass needs to be transparent!

I still need to fix that problem with dark mats…if they have a dark color they render black in Indigo…

I am taking another approach- I will be making the whole glass mat a coffee color. I will keep the glass on the base of the glass though, so it will look like this thing is full of frapp. And also, I get the logos back! The only thing I have to change is the coffee material, looks pretty solid right now. I will post an update soon, hopefully with some HDRi in there for a coffee shop env.

This is a BI Render- didn’t have enough time for Indigo. The logos showed up this time, because I didn’t do transparency at all, just a Fresnel Ray Mirror. I just have to change the frap color a bit, and mess around with Indigo mats, and I will be done!


If you don’t allready know of it, the following thread on the indigo forum has some free indigo materials. Doesn’t look like they have a coffee one, but they do have Coke and other liquids:
To get coffee to look right you may need to Blend a coke like transparent material with a SSS material.

cool. i love these things. One was in my still life for perspective. Loved that they came out with a dark chocolate mocha one too.

N00bhaxor…THATS GREAT! Way better than what I could do.

Thanks guys! I appreciate the support. DichtomyMatt, I will try to experiment with the coke mat, looks interesting. The logos are still not in the Indigo Renders, because Blendigo only supports UV textures, not textures mapped to an Object. In the BI Render, the stickers are mapped to 2 empties.

Does anyone know if Indigo supports Fresnel? Oh, and I used a hex color picker to get the frapp color, I think I nailed it this time. (In next update)

Heh, the funny thing is that I hate these drinks. Never tried it, but I’ve smelled it and I didn’t like it. They look cool though!

Afaik, Indigo calculates all transparent properties based off the IOR and the physical size and shape of the object. So fresnel and reflectivity are all calculated never faked with other values.

Well, a few more renders, just tests. I will UV map the logos, and I will be done.

One on the left is BI, the one on the right is Indigo. (Click for larger, BETTER view)


I really like the realism in BI but the noise really deteriorates from it. If you can’t get the noise taken care of you might want to stick with BI or try Yafray. Good work so far though!


Don’t give up on Indigo! Yes you can have stickers on glass!

What you need to do is set up 2 materials that are UV mapped to the bottle. 1 for the Labels, and another for the glass. You then combine the 2 as a “blended” material with an greyscale blend map. Where the the map is white one material shows, where it is black the other material shows. Look here…

Also… the Fresnel (or blurriness) of Phong materials is controled by your Exponent value. The lower the value the blurrier the reflection.

Well, 5_on_it, thank you! I won’t need it for the frappuccino filled one, but I can do an empty bottle shot!

>Dudebot13:I don’t understand, are you saying I should have more noise?

Well, a render I left all on all night long. Took about 7hrs, 41min. But [once again], a new problem! Once I UV-mapped the stickers on the front and back, the frappuccino color changed! And the rest of the UV map is transparent, so the UV map is not the problem.

Wow, these Indigo renders are getting intense! I have to make a separate compressed version just to upload!:stuck_out_tongue:

What is that annoying ring of [color?] on the top ring of the glass? never had that before. Gotta try to fix that…


If you increase the “Depth” in your Ray Transp setting, it should get rid of the blackness. Try increasing by one, if that doesn’t work, try two, etc.

here’s a ketchup bottle i made a while back, you might take a look at this to see the settings i used.

EDIT: oh, be sure to unzip everything into the same folder (in other words, don’t try to run it straight from the zip file), otherwise the texture won’t be on the bottle.


Well, I decided to scrap this project because 1. It got pretty boring messing with Render settings and 2. My UVs got hopelessly mixed up, and I don’t feel like fixing. So I’m not going to continue, but if you want here’s the .blend.

but you were THISSSS close! :wink:

Yea, but the maps were so screwed up. Download the .blend yourself if you want. (my last post.) I was hoping someone wouldn’t say that…lol.

but you were THISSSS close! :wink:
I guess I can always re-do them…We’ll see.

Ward, what could I do without you?

I’ve decided to continue the project, and I totally re-did the UVmaps. Everything has been cleaned up, the only thing I have to do is learn how to make a Blended Indigo material without Indigo crashing and fix those UVs just a little bit.

Also, whenever I don’t have the UV map applied, it gets the frapp color just right. But when the UV maps ARE applied, it changes to a really dark color. And the unused parts of the UV have an alpha channel, so it doesn’t seem that a Background color (from the UV) is affecting it. What is the problem?


WOW that pic has alot of noise.