Stars and Mist Help

Hello Fellow Blenderists,

I am trying to make a nice little ocean view, and am wanting to add stars and mist. I have the settings on (and can see the stars in my camera) but when I do a render, I can see neither. Is there an option I must turn on?

Thank you in advance for your help.


did you adjust the “starDist” and “MinDist” values? The default settings make it so that there are no stars.

Yeah, I changed them but maybe they are too far? What is a recommended value for the backdrop of a scene?

Please somebody help me, I am unable to find anything, and the manual downloadable on this site is unspecific. A walkthorugh or a link to a website would be very helpful.

Try fooling with the slider that says ‘create a less dense mist with increasing heigt’,…that’s the main one. Probably what you are seeing now is solid mist.