Start of Space Scene - Pod Finished Aug. 14/03

Well, I am stuck on modelling the hair for my Statue WIP, so I have put it off until I can come to grips with that aspect of it. Shouldn’t be too long.

In the mean time, here is the start of what will be a space scene, AFAIK. :stuck_out_tongue:

This will be a small escape pod that has ejected from a larger ship that has been attacked and basically destroyed. They will be the last of their ship to escape alive.

All procedural textures right now. Will maybe add some decals or something later on.

Thanks for looking.


Awesome. How long did that take to model? It would probably take me days if not weeks to do something like that.

About 2.5 hours thus far, on and off. So actual modelling time is more likely in the 1-1.5 hour time range.

Thanks for the comment.


thats a wicked escape pod cant wait to see the rest of it :smiley:

Exellent work! Can you PM me when it’s finished? Only I want to see the whole this but will probably forget.

Exellent! Modelled in Blender or in Wings?


skating kow: I’ll try and remember :wink:

env: All Blender. Modelled, rendered and all procedural textures.

Small update coming shortly.


OK. I added some stuff to the back, (which you can’t really see :stuck_out_tongue: ), and I added an engine exhaust particle system. I think it came out pretty good. I will tweak that some more though later on.


i like the design.
is that one mesh, or several joined together? (just interested on the method there…)


i was wondering the same thing :slight_smile: if all one mesh your a god heh

Thanks guys. It is a few meshes all clumped together. All have the material linked though.

I will work on some decals and stuff tomorrow and add them in.


[edit]Hey, tmtechie!! Did you notice that was your Forum Monkey post?![/edit]

Whoa, looks great! The design’s really cool - are those blue cubes bevelled?They look a bit sharp but it could be the angle. Waiting for the next update!

nice modelling. very nice…!

This may sound very strange, but it reminds me of a photo in the newspaper of an artificial heart valve. :-?

Beautiful design. I’m envious.

Yep, they sure are. I noticed that they looked sharp as well, but beleive me, thay are bevelled. I’m not sure about the blue either. Kinda detracts/sets the focus and that’s not what I want. Will have to change the colour of those.

LOL. Actually, I started this out as Darth Vader’s Tie Fighter but it evolved into this. I coulnd’ get the detail I wanted from the drawings I had of the Tie Fighter, so I gave up and went another way with it.

laniru: Thanks.

More coming today.


Finished Escape Pod

Well, I feel that the escape pod is done, other than some decals and stuff that I am still working on at the moment.

So here it is:

Now onto the larger ship and the explosion stuff.



yep, excelent, nothing to crit, can’t wait to see the large ship, especcially if you can keep this level of detail.

pretty cool…but I have something against the engine burst…don’t know…it look like blue smoke and not very hot blue fire :S

I would have give it something more like this:

those were made in 1min but maybe it can help :smiley:

I actually like the blue smoke look. that jet engine type thing is cliche… the blue smoke is both cool and weird, which is great for sci-fi… it grows on you.