Hi all.
Today I decided to take a chance on sculpting. I’ve never sculpt anything before today. I’m using Blender quite seriusly for about an year.
Now I can model pretty simple things and I’am pretty comfortable with blender UI. I think to have learned the basic principles of the software.
After having seen yet another wonderful sculpt I decided to make a test.
Two days ago I posted a great dane sketch so, I’ve used this fresh material as reference for my model.
I’ve watched some basic tutorial, specially one in which they say not to start with a simple cube but with an already subdivided mesh.
I’ve built then a primitive mesh and I’ve applied subdiv modifier to it. I’ve studied a bit of topology in order to build a “not-totally-crap” base model. I ended up with a pretty simple model with no tris and some n-gons.
Later, just before starting sculpt something, I applied the modifier, stacked the multires one and subdivided two times.
Main shapes and volumes were already been defined in the polygon modeling phase, so I’ve used sculpting tools for adding a first level of details and for better defining flows, just for familiarize with main brushes.
This is the result. http://vimeo.com/28483187
I’m pretty happy with it. But, while scuplting, I’ve encounter difficulties in the places where there is an n-gon. I tend to think that the underlying mesh topology is wrong.
This is a wire of the starting model. I’ve colored the point where I think there’s the main mistake.
Someone can give me an advice on how to fix this topology? And, what do you think about the sculpt? The workflow I used is correct or there are better solutions?