start trying :)

I have started to learn Blender a few days before :slight_smile:
So here are my first tries :slight_smile:
I’d like to have some criticismtowards my windmill, because it is my latest project and I’ll try to finish it :slight_smile: I have to say that I don’t like it that much, because it is like a comic… but I try to model realistic… but to make this I have to spend a lot of time :stuck_out_tongue:

ok, here they are :slight_smile:

Christopher :slight_smile:

Wow, that’s better than I did. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey though, here’s a quick tip, if you’ve notice some ugly black blotches on your models when you render, try going into mesh edit mode, selecting all the faces and pressing Ctrl+N to recalculate all the face normals.

Much better than what I can do so far :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey, thanks for your compliments :slight_smile: I have to say that I am not really content with my pictures… I don’t know why, but that’s how it is :slight_smile:
Here is the windmill in a field :slight_smile:

Cu, Christopher

Well, lets face it, Sago you ain’t, and you certainly aren’t Basse. But this is all just a matter of time and practice, and that vague dissatisfaction with your pictures just means you have the capability to improve, which is a valuable quality and something that not everyone is possessed of. Anyway, I’ll critique the windmill field picture at some point, but first I go to have a shower.

this was hard to translate for me… I had to look up every second word :wink:
I would be grateful if you could write in a easier style which is easy to understand even for non-native speakers (my English isn’t that good as it should be :frowning: ) Thank you :slight_smile:

But I#m looking forward to your opinion and I’ll try to improve my style and my basics in Blender :slight_smile:


First, as mentioned, not too bad for your first models. On the wind mill in the feild: you’ll need to either scale down the particle grass or scale up the windmilll.
Some advice: If you want to make good models, you will have to spend alot of time to make them.
I’ve probably spent close to 40 - 50 hours over the past five days on the dragon I just posted, that accounted for about 75% of the total work I did on the model. Others might be able to model faster, but that’s how long it is taking me right now.

Also, find as many tutorials as you can and defitnitely read the Blender user manual, if you have not already.
Welcome to BlenderArtists!

This was a point I noticed too, that I finish my pictures within less half an hour (glass and pen… I needed more for the windmill, but only because of the grass, because I did a misstake which I didn’t notice so I had to search for it :))…
So I try to work more than an hour on my next project :wink:
Thank you for your tips :slight_smile:
