Starting Mocap at specific spot

I bring in a mocap file to story, then try to move to specific starting spot. Constantly bouncing back to original. Is there a way to get motion file to a specific spot on frame 0 and make it stay so I can add more files from there?

After you’ve done the load and target of the bvh mocap, select in object mode the bones and mesh, then press G, and move it to where ever.
And welcome aboard.

To expand on @Joshea answer…
Import the BVH select the starting point you wish to start on…
Go to the Dopesheet, and switch to the Action Editor…your BVH should be shown there, or under the Center Drop Down…

Now you can do 2 different things…select all and drag ( G ) to the left to the frame needed…or

Press PUSH DOWN…and switch to NLA Tracks…and grab the track to the left for the needed frame…

I usually prefer the second method as that allows tweaking between any and all animation tracks