State of the world

You must be a conservative,
cause they always refer to attacking the mesanger to disqualify the message

Salvadore, conspiracy theories usually have no factual basis to them.
Indeed, which makes you wonder how Salvador knows about Haliburton’s secret prisons AND NO ELSE DOES.

Perhaps the NY Times is asleep at the wheel.

Salvador, it’s called sarcasm.

You conservatives always attack the messanger to devalue the message.

ever think the sun is heating us up, cause of the whole in the ozone, that was cause by
not people, but big corporatios spewing waste into the air, ground and water for the past 75 years?
sorry for the double post

It is no secret, and no conspericy

ever think the sun is heating us up, cause of the whole in the ozone

What does the ‘whole’ in the ozone have to do with Global Warming?

It is no secret, and no conspericy
Then give us some links. And why hasn’t the NY Times (or anyone else ) reported on it?

I would suggest not get your news from Fox, CNBC, or MSNBC

The media is ownde buy the same people that make the amunition that the millitery is fireing in Iraq and Afganastan

The ozone was put there by mother earth to protect us from the effects that the blistering heat of the sun has had on the planet for the last billion years, no there is a gapping whole in it

The Sun doesn’t heat up because of the hole in the Ozone, sorry, but that’s bad logic.

I guess the Gaia theory has merit.

The ozone was put there by mother earth to protect us from the effects that the blistering heat of the sun has had on the planet for the last billion years, no there is a gapping whole in it

The Ozone Layer blocks UV light, not blistering heat.

Salvadore, your basics are shaky. How old are you?

Here is a quote,
Plus, there was that curious development in January when the Army Corps of Engineers awarded Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg Brown & Root a $385 million contract to construct detention centers somewhere in the United States, to deal with “an emergency influx of immigrants into the US, or to support the rapid development of new programs,” KBR said. [Market Watch, Jan. 26, 2006]
and a link to the article

Sorry folks,
I have my ear to the ground on the political side of things, but I dont really know much about the global warming thing, and frankly, nither do any of you,
so I should have asked what do you folks think about our chances for and '08 election?

Here’s a better article, Salvadore:

A spokeswoman for Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Jamie Zuieback, said KBR would build the centers only in an emergency like the one when thousands of Cubans floated on rafts to the United States. She emphasized that the centers might never be built if such an emergency did not arise.
See, no one knows where the are(ominous sounding) because they’re temporary and haven’t been built yet.

So on and so forth. Conspiracy theorist suck.

maybe when they round us all up, you will be spared for you ignorence, or they might need obedient slaves, that would be you elam

I would hate for anyone to be rounded up

here is a quote from elams link
KBR would build the centers for the Homeland Security Department for an unexpected influx of immigrants, to house people in the event of a natural disaster or for new programs that require additional detention space,

“programs that require additional detention space,”
might that be “Marshal Law”

I think there’s no possible way that the human race will survive.

…so that’s why I live in the moment!:smiley:

According to the IPCC, it’s still possible to mitigate the disaster. Not the catastrophe, just the disaster. It’s possible humanity might survive. Of course, the “we aren’t responsible, party on” crowd will have to pull it’s collective head from where the sun don’t shine.

Heads up, guys, despite what you hear on Fox News, there is no serious debate over the issue.

kbot: they’ve already rounded people up. Let most of them go, after a few months, but still.

One of there tactics is to arbatrarily detain and release,
this instills fear into the rest of us that we are also subject to herrasment.