Static Mesh Has Unwrapped Strangely

I’m unsure why but when I unwrap my model it appears to be completely out of shape and all of the lines don’t line up.
Here is an example:

Here is the file if anyone would like to help me out :slight_smile:

The Conformal unwrap method tends to be better for hard surface meshes and the Angle Based for more organic meshes

Conformal method

You should also clean your mesh before unwrapping, get rid of all the double vertices in your object (W / remove doubles) and ngons are not best for unwrapping. Clean mesh = good unwrap, messy mesh = crap unwrap

I can’t seem to find any information on that method :? I’ve searched for a video or something along those lines but can’t find anything :frowning:

I tried it on this door way model as well and got the same result :frowning:

I don’t suppose you know of any good tutorials do you?

Thanks :slight_smile:


Switch to conformal here

Okay so I switched to conformal and there was no change at all? Hmmm any ideas?

As everyone said before, ngons are bad for unwrapping, i wonder if it can be worth reporting as a bug.
Get rid of the ngons and it will work -much- better

and without ngons :

Not sure if it’s a program error (a bug), there is a chance it’s behaving as designed. Bad unwrap for n-gons is not Blender specific. Literature for other software mention that n-gons unwrap badly and should be left out from the final mesh.

Thanks, i don’t use any application with ngons out of Blender (used Wings3D several years ago but i never kept ngons before unwrapping), good to know it’s not Blender specific then so i will not bother reporting :slight_smile:

Thanks for the help what exactly is an ngon? Do you know of any tutorials? Just looked on Google and I’m still very confused to what one is?

A n-gon is a face made with more than 4 vertices

By example on your mesh, that face is a ngon made of 8 vertices (and the face on the opposite side is certainly similar)

To make that ngon into regular faces, select those 2 vertices

and press J to cut that face into 2 with a new edge between the 2 vertices
(note if instead of pressing J you would wrongly press F, you would have created an edge over the ngon instead of having cut it)

Do the same for the other part so you obtain 3 quads faces instead of 1 ngon

Do the same for the opposite side of your mesh as the face there is very likely an ngon too.