Steampunk little eli-ship

hi there, i was working on this little scene, and i would like to share it whit you and listen your opinion, hope you like it.
It’s not the final scene, but really close to the final . you can see the complete wip at:


Really good. Not much wrong with it, that I could see.

thank you! :slight_smile:

I’m just going to post to save I love it - the concept and execution! good job!

The cute little birdie figurehead is a nice touch - made me smile.

Your overall concept, image, and the ship itself, is amazing !

I love it.

nice work!
It definately has that steampunk feeling to it :slight_smile:
good job!

thank you all for comments :smiley: , i’m rendering rigth now the HQ final render, can i post it here or in finished project??