Steampunk Warfare ( Back from the dead 8D )

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Hello guys,

I made this thread to document my progress of my new project: Steampunk Warfare. It will be a 1-2 minute short film in a post-apocalyptic-steampunk world. Only the main bad guy will be in 3D and composited in my movie. I filmed everything in my local metal scrapyard (witch is pretty awesome).

I will edit this post with the finished work (when it will be finished) but now, check the latest post for my current progress :). Thank you for your interest.

I started modeling today the heart of the main bad guy, a steam-and-gas-running robot. I unfortunately didn’t drew any concept art, so you will have to continue watch until he is done :D.

The heart is a V-twin looking motorcycle engine.

I won’t detail it much since it will be inside a chest-like-cage frame and partly covered under his cape.

Comments and critics are highly welcomed (since everything is under development).

Thank you and happy modeling.

I just modeled the spinal column of the robot. and I’m working on the chest cage.

PLS feel free to comment and critic,
Thanks and happy modeling

I just finished the chest :slight_smile:

Cmon… don’t be shy, pls comment :D.
Happy modeling

Hehe lol, dont you hate the views counter being broken? Dont be discouraged if pplz dont comment, that doesnt mean they are not looking. I pretty much look at most of the threads, but not every time i look is worth commenting. So in your case, there wasnt really much to comment on, you had a spine and some engine heart, which was pretty nice, but nothing much…as you get more stuff done there will be more stuff to comment on :stuck_out_tongue:

But yeah, doesnt look bad, but right now something seems off, maybe it will get better when you add more stuff. Keep posting mate! And good luck to ya.

Yeah I was just waiting on posting until you had a little more going on, there just isn’t a whole lot to say one way or the other at this point. Rest assured people are watching though :wink:

Hey, thanks guys :D, I’ll keep that in mind.

The start of the pelvis.

Happy modeling.

I added part of the shoulders and the mufflers :eyebrowlift:.

Happy modeling

P.S. I’m open to suggestion since I’m making everything up while I model.

This is looking pretty sweet. Are you going for a low-poly look though? As of now, it seems like you could add some subsurf to some stuff to round them out and maybe get a better look. But maybe I am thinking of a different look in my head :wink:

Well… I’m not going for high poly, but of course I will polish a few things, I’m just starting the basic shape. There will be so many little piece, and I’m trying to shave as many milliseconds of rendering as possible.

Here are the first part of the legs.

Happy modeling

Proportions are looking good so far. Give us a head to look at! :slight_smile:

Haha, thanks :). I’ll make the head last since I’m still working on the concepts.

Legs are almost done, and the rig is fully functional, the spring deform when the lower part goes up, and the gears turn perfectly with the legs movements. I just LOVE constrains :yes:.

Happy modeling

Here’s another view of the legs and the constrains

Happy modeling

Okay… why did I made the head like that…

1st, I just want to say this is just a concepts, not a finished model. 2nd, I wanted to emphasize on only 1 sense… the smell, so I completely removed the other senses. 3rd, I wanted to keep a humanoid look to it. But here it is…

I know it look alot like the Berserker in Guunm

Happy modeling

I’ve started the arm

Happy modeling

Your mechanical spine inspired me to make one, nice modelling :slight_smile:

Thanks man :).

The arm work pretty much like the leg, except I added a spring in the forearm to make his hidden blade come out.

Next: The foot and the hand, then my base model will be done.

Happy modeling

The hand:

Happy modeling

Only the feet left… And I’m STUCK !!! I have absolutely no inspiration for the feet… PLS HELP ME !!!

Should I make a humanoid foot ? A animal like foot ? A bird like foot ? A weird-out-of-the-bound-box foot ??? PLS tell me your ideas or even a photo of what you think would go well with my steampunk robot.

Thanks and happy modeling.

this is quite impressive! have fun texturing that though :stuck_out_tongue:
for the feet you should make them have a heavy-duty, boot-like structure, made of metal. OR just three claws sticking out of the bottom part.

Haha, well I will try to use only blender’s default textures for the materials. If it goes well, I won’t UV-map anything. I’m gonna post a few pick of the materials if you doubt blender’s power of procedural texturing :).

I was thinking about a heavy boot too… I think I’m gonna go for it, thanks for the suggestion.

Happy modeling