)Wow, one word Sweet! or should i say sweep?(im sorry the back bottom just reminds me of a street sweeper ) but i love the modeling on it and the overall style!
Hi I think you get a more speedy look if you let the blue triangles on the wings follow the shape of the hole in the wing.
OK I hope I made myself clear :o But I ment: Make the blue triangles sharper on the back, like the fin of a shark.
Gorgeous modeling, thought the flaps on the back look a little too fragile. The color scheme is nice, although I’d like to see a more colorful style.
If you haven’t, you should model it’s interior, and give transparency to the cockpit.
Yep thanx for all reactions So, I’ll try to answer to u’r questions…
@ JD-multi : Yep, making the horizon colored should render better…but this is a WIP, and I wanna wait to finish my model before But good crit, yeah.
@ SirVer : No, I don’t wanna to make the surface reflective… 'cause as I said before, it’s not finished yet and I’ll make a scene
@ joostbouwer : Yep, good idea ! I’ll try to do this, right.
@ Shaun : Shadows are sharp since it’s just a model render…good crit
@ Smoky Joe : Yeah, modelling the interior…I don’t know yet if I’ll do this. But I’ll think about, sure
I’m waiting the weekend…I’m at school all the week and can’t continue my Concept Car