Just for the record.
I’ve changed my name from Stefce to Zazu.
I hope my posting wont become as anoying as him though
Heh…funny name change.
Oh, noes! Disney has acquired elYsiun! AAAAARGH!!!
I would think he would have the freedom to change his name, though I never expected it to be based on Disney.
Lol, yeah I was wondering why you signed a crit in my wip thread as stefce
whos stefce? lol (seriously)
Who’s Zazu?
Who are you?
Who am I?
OMG, the philosofical question to search my identity. A journey full of agony!
Feels like kindergarten all over again.
Who’s Zazu?
Who are you?
Who am I?
OMG, the philosofical question to search my identity. A journey full of agony!
Feels like kindergarten all over again.[/quote]ROFL
Well, it’s only because such a post denotes a degree of importance of the poster, leading me to believe he is one of the mod /admin team… yet I can’t remember “stefce”…
Hahaha…No i’m not a mod nor an administartor. I posted this as a note for those who wonder (if there are any) “what happened to Stefce?” and “who is this mysterious character calling himself Zazu?”
For those who care, below is (in short) the legend of Zazu
<b>The legend of Zazu</b>
My username was Stefce, which is kind of a diminutive of my real name-Stefan…At first, when i joined i tried with Stefan, but it was taken so i joined with “Stefce”…In real life nobody calls me like that, so in time it started to sound unnatural to me…That’s why i’ve decided to change it.
After an in-depth search for well known blabbers, i’ve come up with Zazu.
Hence the legend was born…a heroic theme in the background
your [old] name rings a bell… allthough i really dont see what was wrong with ‘stefce’ … i mean nobody calls me “frig” in real life and i use it because 95% of the time it isnt taken already.
but i guess its your choice
Did you have to make a new account or is there an option to change your name??
It’s a sticky:
Why you ask? Wanna change your name? Hope this isn’t because what I said about your name, being an extension of your youknowwhat.
It’s a sticky:
Why you ask? Wanna change your name? Hope this isn’t because what I said about your name, being an extension of your youknowwhat.[/quote]only a little
not that you need it, but i highly approve of the new name
Thank you! Oh, thank you master!