Stencil in Texture Node

Hello Everyone,

I have done a quick search trying to find an answer, both here and google.

In a normal (no node) material, I can use Stencil as a Map To option for a texture. Is this possible for texture nodes also? Or, must all stencil operations be in normal texture channels?

Thanks in advance!

Just use a mix node to multiply by an alpha channel wherever you want the stencil effect in the effects chain. If you post an example of what you’re trying to do I can be more specific but I think you get the picture.


From the attached image, I would like to be able to have the texture Tex.001 (or any other input node for that matter) only effect the magenta area of the other Mat node.



I’ve played very little with the material nodes so I’m not you best advisor. But here goes: Duplicate the material make it single user, and make it black for color, white for texture. Add a mix node. Mix the original color and texture by a factor of the 2nd material. Voila. You’ll probably have to add additional geometry to get the duplicate material, make single user, adjust colors, then delete it.

SHIFT+P in the 3d window for real-time preview. This helps a lot with lighting.


Thanks, that works!

If you plug the B&W material output into a color ramp B4 plugging into the mix node you can gain tighter control over the color mixing process by adjusting the color bands on the ramp or by changing the blending progression type.

here is a set up i been using

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Thanks for the image!