for the past week or so i’ve been playing around with this idea. i decided to make a “Low rider” step van. The reason i picked this van was because i’m still a newbie, and i had some problems doing “run of the mill” every day cars. (i couldn’t get it to look right because it was rounded) any way, i wanted to look for a boxy car, and i stumbled across a step-van. I thought it would be cool if i made it a low rider version. so i sketched a version, and started to model away!!i colored in my schetch in photoshop (possible color scheme) and the other is the blender render
i think it looks quite cool, although i would suggest lengthening it out abit, it looks too small. Also if you look at the back wheel you can see the van has no thinkness. And what is that triangle thing inside the van?
you realy think its to short?? i was thinking it was to long, lol. i have a weroid lamp setup, buti don’t know whats causing a triange in there, o well. what do you mean by thickness? there is an underside to the van… but i still have to put tread on the rims, and door handle, windows, all that good stuff, and the front bumper, i don’t think i like it, but i don’t know
just a little update…Mainly that its rendered in Yafray this time. I’m having a problem with the materials. The van had a cool metalic (metal flake), but when i render it, it looks plain, (with out the flake…i don’t know why…if you could help it would be appreciated
Almost too boxy. Really, you should use a tiny corner bevel or something to break up the ‘single polygons’ look, cause no surface is an infinitely small acute 90 degree angle.