I got my digital camera and took these pictures in the first day I had it. There big’uns so I will probaby crop them later to save web space. What do you think?
those are some good pictures.
good quality imo
i actually think then pen one is kewler. you should have let us guess at what it is.
/me really likes the pen one
good job. what camera do you use?
A Olympus C-4000 Zoom…
Guess what this is…
A really old lawnmower?
scratches head. hmmm. tricky puzzle.
A Time Machine?
Are you trying to take unbalanced pictures? Or should I mention that some of them are?
What do you mean?
You talking about composition balance?
Or color balance?
I would like to hear what you have to say…
CyberAce tell us what the last 3 pictures are of i would really like to know.
Yeah, a lawn mower…
I have no idea how i guessed that.
I think those pictures are kewl. Might be good to build a portfolio.
The pictures are really good!
Maybe you should try and mess around with them a bit, add some effects.
Dude, I knew that. Sucks I didn’t visit this thread before. At first I thought it was a car, since I saw mechanic parts. But then I figured, what does that first picture and 3rd picture has to do with a car? And besides, there is way too much dirt, unless it’s an old abandoned car, in no way it would be one. So I thought ti was a lawn mower thingie…
Composition balance. Take the 3’rd LM picture for instance. Since the swich is to the left of the center, and you do not have any content to the right, the image feels unbalanced. And that can be the point, so I’m not sayng that it is wrong, just that it is…
Hmmm, I would think they are intentionally unbalanced. For example if the switch was right in the center of the photo I would find it boring. But that’s just me. I had no idea what this thing was btw :-? Nice photos!
I supose I could have positioned the switch on the right, then the shadow would have been something interesting to fill up the left.
Ohh well… no biggie though.
It was somewhat intentional (see plenty of subjects right in the center) but I could have done better…
I like the composition you used. If the switch would be in the center, it would be a picture of a switch. But your picture has a character… it’s more than just a picture of a switch… I can’t explain it, but it has style. I think you’re doing just great.
Nice pictures, and good choice of camera.