This is the largest blender model I have ever made (I’ve only been with blender for 8 months), and I need some C&C. The dots behind the wall are actually stickfigure archers, and the dots in front are orc crossbowmen. You just can’t really tell because its so high up. I want to add arrows flying over the wall, but i need some sort of faint arrow trail to show movement. I also need to work on the lighting … (I’m not that good at lighting). This is also the very first model I’ve ever used image textures.
Above: View from above…Below: View of Gate
And here’s an archer (Human)-
Any C&C will be greatly appreciated. … PS: Someone needs to fix the forums, right side is chopping off words.
Nice work i really like the wall texture!
i think the Archers hand needs some work
Peter Jackson interpretations aside, I tend to agree. Helm’s Deep, according to the text would’ve had at least a double wall with an additional keep behind it.
Don’t be discouraged, however. I’m sure no-one’s going to say “Hey. It’s not perfect; so it’s no good” on your first attempt. Nice seige scene and I love the stick figures. do the attackers look a little orcish?
Hey man, it looks cool. Could you show us the orcs?
By the way…dont stick figures have hands?
Ok. First off, I knew I couldn’t make the exact scene, because I’m not that good yet. So I just made a little simpler version of helms deep. About the hands- I guess I could add spheres or something, but then I’d have to go and replace all of the archers, and characters for that matter. I’ve already started and really don’t feel like going back that far. And here are the different versions of the orcs-
There is actually a crossbowman and a berserker for the orc too, but I don’t have time to post them right now, I’ll try later.
Looking pretty good.
Lighting definitely needs work though. I’d recommend personally a Spot GI icosphere with perhaps more subdivision in the area of the sun to make it seem as if the sun were coming from that direction. Ambient Occlusion might help it out a bit too. Also, the “mountain” behind it just doesn’t really look like a mountain, obviously. When you find the time I recommend actually modeling the mountain.
I like the mix of stylistic characters, simple yet clean models, and high resolution image textures. Makes an interesting effect, but it needs better lighting to really bring it out.
Keep blending,
I’ve started to add more figures in this scene. I definitely need a better texture for the rocks and better lighting. Also, there are archers behind the wall, and i want to make a scene with arrows flying everywhere, but i need a faint trail behind the arrow. If any of you know of any good pics or techniques i could use, just let me know.
Thanks. Any C&C would be greatly appreciated!
Hehe… reminds me of those cartoons I used to draw when I was little. Keep it comin and add as much details as you can. It is not the most brilliant work but could be funny or very interesting if you add unexpected stuff into it. You know, like one of those pictures you have in ur country house with so much details in it you see something new every time you look at it.
lol that idea looks very promising
Does anyone have a good rock texture I could use for the mountain thing surrounding the castle?
i like that style(toonshaders and edges mixed with fotolike textures), could make a very cool movie.
the gate needs some “form” the sides are ok, but the upper part is too “flat”.
stone textures can be made easily, check out this page:
LOL! I love this project! I noticed the ends of the hands are very rugged. Maybe you just need to use 6 sided tubes and add in 1 step of subsurf.
You could try using motion blur. Another thing that you could try would be to make an object behind the arrow and turn the alpha value up.
arrows: you could try to use a particle emitter which emits half transparent halos/particles, but enough to look like a line behind the arrow. that might also combine well with the motion blur stated one post above
Here’s what I’ve come up with for the arrow trails----
One with a smokey trail-
One with a blur-
The trail on the blur one still has the cartoony lines which i don’t want. Is there a way to take off the lines for that only? And I still can’t find a good rock texture for the rock walls.
try extruding the rear vertices to make a trail, seperate the trail mesh from the arrow mesh and rendering the trail with the “wire” option selected in the shading window (F5) thus
and tailor it to your requirements, I suggest selecting only two vertices at the tip of the tailfins, it should render a line one pixel wide at any distance to represent an edge (as in edge/face/vertice) of a mesh.
but the edge effect is on and it looks like a black line following the arrow