Sticky & the spotlight

meet Sticky … my first character :)) … he wants to get into showbusiness.

 too bad the sun didn't cast a shadow :(

ladies & getle folk … I give you “Showbiz Sticky” (aplause)

Hehe… nice,

adjust ClipStart


thanks :stuck_out_tongue:

I keep looking but can’t figure out what you mean by Clipstart … I asume it’s at the camera properties … but I"m wondering why you’re mentioning it … I dont’ see any artifacts like that.

 Also I was hoping I'd get some advice to avoid the 'jerky/jumpy' movement when bending .. I've done it by moving an empty attached to the top of the stick with bones inside .. but they seem to be jumpy .. not smooth & continuous :-((
   any idea why that is?

Also, I placed a sun light … and it seems that didn’t leave shadows under the thingie when it’s jumping … however if I placed something with more light then the spotlight wouldn’t be clear … ideas?

To have a smoother deformation, try making the vertex weigh fade off gradually as you move away from the articulation, not with a sharp transition into another groud.


No, the Spot, RTFM (Read The Fantastic Manual) in the ‘Lighting’ chapter


but where’d you notice the problem … I didn’t see it.

Foot shadow is weaker than head shadow.


i think what s68 means is, that if you move the spotlight’s clipstart closer (try really close) to the object, the shadow cast sharper… now it’s kind of weird… and someplaces missing.
