Stiffness around cloth-sim pin group

I’m trying to make a robe, similar to a monks robe around a character. The top half will be just parented to a rig while the bottom half will be cloth sim so it can move with the legs. I’ve pinned a row of verticies around the waist but when I run the cloth sim, the row of vertices just below try to fly up above.

What causes this? I’ve gone through a load of tutorials but I cant see them have the same problem.

I’ve set rotation and scale of both character and cloth.

In fact, I hate the cloth sim…but I need to use it a lot now. Every time I run a sim the cloth tries to shoot off into orbit. It’s like it hates the character and wants to get away as fast as possible. Does adding thickness help? The sims aren’t very high poly but still make my system stall for minutes at a time

It sounds as if your collision is set too far. So do you want the upper half from the pin group to be ridged or is it sim also?

Personally, I would pin at the shoulders and set collision to the body…with a medium to light-weighting…and control the simulation with weight paint.

I guess I have too many questions without seeing a few screenshots of the cloth settings as well as the collision…

Yeah i just tried to write out my questions but its better to show you. Heres a simplified blend file. If you hit play, two things happen.

1 - the pin group works but the area around it lifts up.
2 - the sim wont settle, it “jiggles” about infinitely.

I’ve actually put it back to the cotton default as any messing around makes it worse.

I had to use a file upload site because its over 5mb

You messed up the cloth settings.
What worked for me is to delete the cloth modifier in the physics tab.

Add new and lower the collision distance on the cloth mesh to 0.001
Lower collision on the collider (the human) Outer Thickness to 0.001.
And it works. Try higher and lower collision distance after that, usually 0.002 or 3 is fine.

ok that works better, i’ve been playing with the distancing and its no longer jumping to mars

Its also worked for me to just delete and add the cloth sim again. Not sure which setting caused it.

The collision distance was just because it got lifted a bit from the mesh. I worked quite a bit with it in one of my projects (Toph fanart) and got familiar with this system and its bugs but it can go crazy sometimes.
Always the best to slowly go to your final settings and not change 5 at once to see what caused it.

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