I am still here, somewhere alive, even if none of you haven’t seen me in here commented stuff recently, don’t know why, but I guess I am bored of all stuff, either in here or in general 8)
Aww man! This just sucks. I thought you had gone for good, never to return. At least that’s what I expected. We don’t want you here. So just go away!!
Now go blend something before I slap you with a trout.
/me handles BgDM a trout.blend
I guess I suck somehow 8) sniff
Welcome Back
Now get outa here you lazy bum
Go and do somecool stuff blending
Hey ztonzy! I’m still waiting for that tutorials of yours you know
Hi Stonzy, good to see you back. Now to see some new stuff. The cure for boredom is to do something. Simple huh.
heh, well, thanks… :-?
theeth: I will see what I can pull up from my hat 8)
paradox: must it be Blenderwork as 3D tool ?? hehe
Come on!!!
We want to see some of the high quality work you can produce , when you want
hey, my creativity has finally seen some light
check for the topic “Rocket” in the WIP forum,
I now that you aren’t happy about cross posting,
so I just tell the topicname
please add some comment to it, if you like…
Good night and thanks wp/SLID3 !!
you rooooooooooock =D