Still Life Scene - Aiming for general realism

Okay, this scene was begun by Landis’s texturing tute (which also brought me out of my slump after my Year 8 exams, so thanx Mr. God Landis :D) but as I continued I found out I had to do a picture for D&T Cooking.
After a while of tweaking and playing around, and aiming for it to be reasonably realistic (I wanted to trick friends at school laughs evilly) I ended up getting this.

I fooled a few friends at school (don’t know a thing about 3D, so it’s relatively easy to do so :)) into thinking it was real… We actually got into an argument and I had to load my wireframe render for proof :wink:

Made in Blender, texturing in Adobe Photoshop (only texture I didn’t make was the tabletop) and post processing (the blur, my Zblur plugin isn’t working sniff sniff) in Photoshop.

Anyway, I still want to work on it and get tweak the hell out of it, so anything weird you see, please just say so :smiley:
URL: (Reblended does seem to be having a few problems recently :-?)

Note: If you are on 56K (I am too, I feel your pain) it may take a while to load, I didn’t want to lose quality so it’s about 80 KB (sorry for the inconvenience)

Nice job. Looks great.

Only crit is that the texture on the apples is almost white near the bottom. Try and make it more one colour instead of having a sort of gradient to the bottom of it.

Also, the second apple, (the one in the back), seems to be sitting on the plate a little weird. Try and place it on it’s side more.

Good work.


Looking very good. If you want to really up your realism, here’s what I’d do: add a subtle env map to the apples. Very subtle. But you want them to reflect their environment a bit. Also, try lighting it with a fake GI rig and a key light. You may want to put a tiny little bit of green lighting on the plate under the apples to fake some light reflecting off the apples. And finally, I’d tone down the DOF just a bit.

Overall good work, though. Nice painting on the apples.

Hopefully you’ll post this again if you make any tweaks.

I agree with BgDM. An apple has green, yellow, and ocasionally red colors, but not white this looks a little bit frozen.

The foot of the eggcup looks a little bit thin in my opinion.

Maybe add some bumps to the egg.

The plate looks a little bit flat: More spec or an envmap could be good.

Over all, a very nice job.

for more realisme i would use a raytracer for rendering, like povray :slight_smile:
so u could easily add the reflexions on the apple and make the porcelane and the egg look bit more realistic :slight_smile:
the focal blur u could make really realistic too - but this is going to take a long time for rendering :wink:

I really like what you have started here. I’m drawn to still life images and photorealism, not sure why.

I suggest applying the material you have for the egg holder to the plate, it may look more realistic than the current material. Also your geometry scale may need to be adjusted, I think the apples and stems are a bit small when compared to the other objects.

Lastly, check out this tutorial on faking radiosity. This relates to Harkyman’s comments.

Good job over all.

All of the above + an emphasis on the lighting - the importance of the lightrig cannot be stressed enough if you want realism. A fake GI dome-type trick would do it.

And the envmaps Harkyman talked about are REALLY important. Turn of any specularity you’ve got in the materials, and instead add highlights using a custom environment with natural-looking lightsources (windows could be planes with emit 1.0 for instance).

Those highlights need to be partially masked - the same way you would use a gritty grayscale image in the spec-channel - so you will need a “fractured” map with alpha (or calcalpha), stencilmapped, to break up the CMIR effect.

Why? Because all CG-specularity (be it phong or blinn, doesn’t matter) is just plain fake. If nothing else gives it away, so to speak, the specularity will if you do not avoid using standard specularity all together.

Thanks for the comments everyone :smiley:
I’ve taken pretty much all suggestions in and am doing another rework with new stuff now :slight_smile:

BgDM: Thanx :slight_smile: Working on the apple texture now in Photoshop, darkening the bottom to a dark green

harkyman: I’ll try a env map, but they usually don’t give good results with a bump mapped mesh (I was going to do a reflection of the scene on the tabletop, but it looked a little crazy with bump) and the fake GI rig is a good idea, working on it now (don’t u love dupliverts ;))

tordat: I’m going to widen the bottom of the footcup, it does look thin doesn’t it? Fixing now

qiv: I don’t have any experience with ray tracers, played around with Yafray, but I’m not confident with it. And about the focal blur, I did screw it up in post-processing :wink: I’ve got to get this Zblur plugin working (anyone know why it would say “Input has no Z-buffer”? Played around a lot but it’s still not working :-?)

ec2: The egg holder and the plate have the same materials, I just think because the egg holder’s smaller and has more curves it gets a different result.

Jamesk: The GI dome was mentioned earlier, but thanks anyway :slight_smile: About the specularity, I did start off with that, but after a frustrating half an hour of playing around with env maps I gave up. The problem is that the specular lines would cut under the apples, so in theory it is great, but practical, it’s hell :wink: And yes, I do know about specularity being the reflection of the light source, read it in a great texturing tute (for those of you without the pleasure of seeing Leigh van der Byl’s fabulous tute, it is a MUST read!)

You gave up after 30 minutes!? :smiley:

C’mon, have another coffee and give it another go.

30 minutes for me is a long time… And coffee, what are you thinking! Coke’s the only way to go :wink: Mainly 30 minutes is a long time since I’ve got school, homework, homework, did I say homework? :wink:

Also, if you read, they went under the apples, which isn’t a good thing :smiley:

I saw that allright :smiley: Problems are supposed to be solved! Recheck that envmap, and since you’re doing a still you have the possibility to make the map in question any way you like. It doesn’t even have to originate from the same scene :wink:

New and updated, will take a while to load as I said before. I think the DOF may be a bit strong, but I just want to get the reaction to the changes before I continue. if it doesn’t work


Still lacking that GI-feel, tho. :smiley:

I’ll probably work more tomorrow, I’ve got to start my 3 pages of homework and it’ll be better to wait for everyone else’s replies.