Stone Arch

Hello Everyone,

This is a stone arch for use in a graveyard scene. Next task is the metal gate and hinges. Thanks for viewing!


Nice, how long did it take you to make that?

Nice texturing, it looks good. I like the crosses too, good job. I think you could improve them even more by making them look a bit more worn in random areas, like small cracks or so, especially by the small “poles” sticking out.

I’m not too crazy about the material… Even for sandstone or limestone it is very yellow.

Well that depends on how it looks on his screen. I have dual screens at the moment, so I could see it with both. At first look, I thought it was very good, but when I looked on the other one it was, as you said, surprisingly yellow-ish.

I agree though, it should be a bit whiter.

Hello Everyone,

Actually, the lights are greenish / yellowish, because I thought white made it look to light. I spent the better part of a day making it, learning new tricks with gimp aand UV mapping. The little poles sticking out are actually a start on the gate hardware, and not intended to be part of the stone. Attached is the same render with white lights.


Much better. :slight_smile:

White lights looks alot more betterer.


I added the gate. I want to add something on top of the center stone, but I’m not sure what.

Next, I think I’ll work on the walls surounding the cemetary.

Thanks for viewing!!


The gate looks good but the stone archway needs more work…

i think that the stones should be a little more irregular… and posibly even have more of a bumpy texture. also the crosses look like they were made in MSpaint and then mapped on… if that is the case go back and take a little more time on them.

id like to see whats next >.>

Love the gate, textures look good too. Crosses…bigger, maybe, with a bit more nor?

Suggestion: make the stones that project into the archway also project outward, from the plane of the front of the wall. Since you don’t have much in the way of grout lines, differentiating the stones that way would help make it more realistic.

Is this intended to be part of a wall, or stand-alone? If stand-alone, I’d thicken up the pillars.