Any thoughts?
I like the style of it. I think the plants could use a little more colour though.
More pebble and a background. But its looking good.
They’re supposed to be dead/dormant.
I know they’re dead, but dead plants don’t just turn grey.
Someone painted them grey then >:E
Anyway, update. I added a background and better sky.
thats cool … looks very good !
very good. Is this render?
Nice materials and lighting! You should try to improve composition now…
It looks like they died recently.
It might be better if you want them to look dead/dormant, to remove the leaves. As it is now they only look starving for water - and color.
A few more dead plants would be a nice touch as well.
too monochromatic, needs more variation.
Thats a really great groud/dirt material! Did you get it from the repository or make it yourself?
It took me several views at intervals to figure out what was not quite right in an otherwise very nice piece of work: the eyeballs in the face. The nose, mouth and eye sockets look pretty much as though someone sculpted them by hand out of native clay. The eyeballs are perfectly spherical. If it was my render, I’d make the face look a lot rougher, as though someone had hurriedly sculpted it using just their hands and fingers. A hand print or some obvious finger marks might be good as well.
Take that for what it’s worth to you.