I’m not sure of the correct term, as I don’t work much with images… Anyway, I’m trying to use a texture and I want it pixelated, but blender seems to think it is its duty to blur the lines between pixels. Does anyone know how to get it to stop?
EDIT: 2.57 is doing it again. Thanks to Ace for informing me how to fix it, but I recently got 2.57 and… It’s doing something similar to mipmapping. not to the same degree, but colors and alpha values appear to be bleeding to adjacent pixels. Doesn’t show up in UV editor but only after mapping it to an object. I’ve turned off Mipmaps in the Settings panel-which fixed it before-but the pixel bleeding is still there. Any ideas?
I heard you can get the pixelated effect by turning off the mip-mapping, though I’m not sure if that works per-texture or needs to be done for the whole game.
Found it, thanks! I had to turn it off for everything… It didn’t appear to work if I just disabled mip-mapping for the texture. I hope this doesn’t make other textures look too terrible.
Make sure that you turned it off in the User Preferences menu, and that you go to each scene before gameplay. For whatever reason, the textures turn mip-mapping on if you play before going to the scene before-hand.
Yeah, turned mip-mapping off in the User Preferences menu, and I’ve only got one scene in the .blend, so that’s covered-still a good thing to keep in mind, thanks
It’s 3d, you can never expect to be able to display pixel perfect sharp edges even in an orthogonal top down mode. Even then there will still be a distance and it will always be a float. Or if you could you would have to find just the right distance and be looking at a perfectly scaled shadeless object or texture.
Actually, it was doing fine before with displaying the pixels with sharp edges. That’s not the problem. I’ve gotten it to look a lot more like the image by turning on premultiply in the texture options. Here’s the comparison right now:
Try using Clip Alpha. Also, perhaps you should post a screenshot of your material set-up. I’ve worked with 2D sprites in the BGE as well, and I’ve gotten it to look fairly pixel-perfect, especially if you use an orthographic camera with the right scale settings (orthographic scale set to 20 with a 800x600 camera = 16x16 character on a 320x240 screen, or at least it looks similar).
Oh, and try making sure your camera size is correct (try something larger or smaller than what you’ve set it in the Blender Render renderer).
I’m already using Clip Alpha, and I’m not even viewing it through the camera. It just looks like that in-game or in the editing window. Also, I don’t think it’s a problem with the material, since if I remove the material and use multitexture mode it does the exact same thing… The only things in the material setup I changed were transparency, premultiply, made the texture affect alpha, and told it to use clip alpha
Try taking out premultiply, and transparency to see if it’s working correctly, just in representing the colors correctly. Also, try changing Blender’s drawing settings, or your graphics card settings. Maybe your graphics card’s settings are overriding Blender?