Is there a way way to make blender not blur textures togeter? Like I have a very small textures and want to be able to clearly see each pixel.
Is there a way way to make blender not blur textures togeter? Like I have a very small textures and want to be able to clearly see each pixel.
There was a thread a bit ago on this topic. http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=139621
You can turn off OSA or use a different filter. Or render in a large resolution, or use sharper/and or higher resolution textures. Some combination of these should help…
Well I want to do this in the ge if that makes any difference. And I would like to do this if at all possible without using any textures bigger than I need to. Right now ost of my images are about 32x32. My test image is 16x16.
32x32?!??!?! That’s ridiculously tiny. Are sure you need to use a texture that small?
Ya… well I kinda wanna try to make a 3d game using sprites as cahracters. So just a plane with an animated texture.
Ahhhhhhh. do you mean like a paper mario sort of thing, where the characters are 2d in a 3d world?
Kinda but more like a full 3d game, but all the characters are sprites, so the camera will just stay directly behind the character.
In the Texture panels -> Map Image tab, try turning off Interpol and MipMap. If your texture has an alpha channel, you may have to turn on Premul as well (Image tab).
Edit: This works for renders but I just noticed you are working in the GE, about which I know nearly nothing.
Yeah, I turn off mimapping and interpolation most of the time. Also turn off OSA and render using only a single X/Y part.
Just an FYI, those textures are rediculously small.
Well that works for rendering but not in the ge. And I know their small, but thats as big as I need them. But I guess I might just have to make them bigger. Anyone know how to increase the size of a picture without blurring it?
In gimp, just scale the image, and for the interpolation method, choose none. That will retain it’s pixeliness, which is what I’m assuming you are going for.
I remember when 32X32 was hi-res! ah well. It seems a crime to enlarge them just to get around filtering… maybe there’s a python flag somewhere to control that or maybe you could do it with a glsl texture, but it wouldn’'t surprise me if not…
Ya I really don’t want to have to enlarge tem if I dont have to, and plus, the image gets a border around it of watever color the background is. And Its going to have to be quite big to make the blur unnoticable.
Ok well I tried it out a bit , and to make it so it looks how I want it, I had to scale it up 8 times the size. So now the sprite sheets at 1024 pixels instead of 128.
32x32 textures are perfectly normal; they’re used all the time in DS games and mobile phone games. It’s a great pity Blender can’t turn off texture filtering in it’s view-ports and engine, things like this stop Blender from becoming used in the industry.
You can turn off mipmaps (and with that, texture blurring) globally in the preferences window, System & OpenGL section, OpenGL column to the far right, button Mipmaps. When turned off, image textures are not blurred in the 3D viewport and game engine.
Oh cool sweet thanks so much.