I have looked this one up and while it only brings topics from around 2008/2009, is there a way yet to stop light/specular from going trough walls?
in the screenshot you can see what i mean, outlined with orange is the problem.
I have looked this one up and while it only brings topics from around 2008/2009, is there a way yet to stop light/specular from going trough walls?
in the screenshot you can see what i mean, outlined with orange is the problem.
You can either do them in real-time, or you can bake them. Myself I like baking them in situations like this.
Ah, the old lightbleed effect ^ ^
To be honest there is not a whole lot you can do, but that’s not necessarily a problem.
Lightbleeding like this is extremely common in many games, especially older games with multi-room interiors and thin walls.
Often it can be fixed in two steps:
The problem stems from the way most game engines compute basic lighting; only the angle of a surface and its distance to the lamp are taken into consideration. This is good and bad.
It’s good because the calculation is much simpler, and hence less taxing on the computer. It’s bad because in many situations it will look wrong, like in your picture.
In my experience making games involves a lot of compromise, sometimes you have to give a little here and there to achieve your overall goal, which hopefully is making a complete game.
It’s very easy to get stuck on a specific detail, of your vision for a game or level, when this happens I advise you to take a step back and consider other options. Sdfgeoff’s suggestions are on point.
Good luck, and keep blendering!
shadows? i am not using any kind of shadows, the whole base is 1 mesh, then i used wall object with a doorway at the places i want them.
as you can see i use 10 point lights (at 0.5 energy and 10 range)and 2 hemies.
And how would i bake something like this?
i have read, that separating the rooms and then bake it is the best way, but if i do that and unwrap it the tiles dont line up(floor). and i have no clue how i would bake it on the wall objects aswell (from both sides).
any thought on that?
Hmmm, if I remember correctly there was a way to have two UV-maps for an object. You could then use the UV-map you have now, and then in the materials add in another and mix it with the shadowbaked one. I’m not sure if this is supported in GLSL mode though.
Another solutions is to follow my two-step solution, and then add in some form of SSAO. Done right this can give the illusion of really good lighting.
EDIT: Martinsh made a really good SSAO filter a while back, here’s an article he made about it:
There’s a gif at the bottom of it which displays the power of SSAO really well.
Hey, thanks for the input, i guess i need to build everything including walls into the mesh, that will prevent it.
i can do the cutting part of the mesh at the end when everything is done.
i am already using ssao, fxaa, dof and bloom filters.
as John_tgh well mentioned, don’t get stuck with “details”.
Try to finish your game, and then, later, you could “polish” it, a bit…a lot?
I like to use “Vertex Paint” to “enhance” the look of my scenes.
Or, maybe, you could split the level (and lamps) in different layers?
I wont get stuck on details, but i was adding them and i noticed the bleeding directly so i went off and searched for a solution.
while there are no good solutions, the best option i got now is: use spot lights at 180 degree, square with shadows off.
I got a simple level with square rooms so i can get away with it for now.
I also made a light manager, using 4 point/spot lights and placing them at the nearest placeholders.
This way when the level is done i can bake everything then chop the mesh into pieces and use it for lod and such, and use dynamic lighting/shadows as well.