Just out of curiosity, has anyone managed to emulate stop motion or clay-mation in Blender?
I know you could do it frame by frame, but are there any other ways?
Just out of curiosity, has anyone managed to emulate stop motion or clay-mation in Blender?
I know you could do it frame by frame, but are there any other ways?
Here is an example of frame by frame
http://www.geocities.com/snailrose/motion.zip(copy and paste)
But I would be interested to know if there are other ways too
Turn down the frame rate to say 10 or 15 FPS…
I dont think turning down framerate emulates stop motion very well. I was thinking more of something that makes it look like the armatures are ‘jittering’. Prehaps theres a script that does this? (Much like the camera jitter script).
Chuck, thats a cool clip
Lower framerate gives a jerkier motion. Another idea is to use all FK rather than IK joints for posing the models.