i have made a player and a hill but when ever i play the game and try to go walk up the hill i fall through it
Maybe it is a hill made of thin ice ;).
To help you we need some more information. The best is to attach a demo file. Or just follow some tutorials:
thanks for the tutorial monster but that did’nt seem to do anything
Make sure your plane is a static object (I’m assuming the hill is a plane) and your uv sphere (I couldn’t open your file but if your player is more complicated then a Uv sphere you can always make the Uv the moving object make it invisible and place/parent your character inside it) is an actor and a dynamic. I hope this helps.
You just need to use ServoControl instead of SimpleMotion for your forward and backward run motion. Then it works.
If you do not like servo motion, you can also extrude your plane into a box, that should also solve your problem.
thanks strub it worked awesomely just 2 problms with that, one was when im at the top of the hill and i hold w and a or d at the same time when at the top of the hill my player just start walking in the air. problem 2 is when i let go of w i will fall down to the ground but if i push w back down again while in the air i will fall slowly and fall through the ground.
and tom sice you couldnt open my file ill show you a screen shot of it.
I see what you mean now, have you tried using a cone bounding on it using regular motion? I know that servo motion works better with this kind of thing but if you need precise controls it’s not so good. I hate using servos, because I like to stop and start on a dime, here is an example .blend with the regular motion, and cone bounds, I have been unable to “walk through the hill” using this method.
simple mechanics.blend (264 KB)
Yeap you need to define if the player is on ground or on air. If on Air just change the state (Fall state). This might solve your problems.
Hi. I modified your file now you can walk and jump. I implemented the script from http://www.tutorialsforblender3d.com/GameDoc/Movement/Movement_Script_1.html.
Your file: http://www.mediafire.com/file/rakrraafosa4v6a/food%20fighters%20map1.blend
thanks HG! that was awesome.
i went and did the tutorial of where you got that script from but it did’nt work so i copied everything you did with my demo file and put it in my proper file but it partly worked. for some reason that i dont know the movement with w, s, a, and d where all inverted and the mouse look did’nt work at all. would you know why and just incase you want my file to see what ive done wrong ill give it to you
You have three faults.
- The name of the mouse sensor must be “Mouse”.
- There is a typing fault on the property “mouseinit” ist should be “mouseInit”
- Change the orientation of your armature (not the cube) about 180° on the Z axis.
You can change the cube to wireframe unter Object(F7)–>Object buttons–>draw–>Wire (button).
So you can look through the cube and select your aramature in the 3D view.
thanks HG1 once again your awesomeness has helped me again
oh yes HG1 would you have script that stops the camera going through walls.
oh yes and another thing ive made a mesh that looks like and acts like water but every time i try to import it in my file the water just stays there as a still image. would you know how to make this work
A good camera collision setup (with working mouse camera look) is not so easy for beginners. Here is a text tutorial http://www.blending-online.co.uk/8501/49279.html (no camera look).
And here some blend files
http://www.mediafire.com/file/h2zqm22gysg84l4/third-person%20camera.blend (no mouse camera look)
http://www.mediafire.com/file/l8dvsqi3tyc5qoc/CameraCollisionDetection1.blend (no mouse camera look)
Very basic third person template with camera collision and camera look http://www.mediafire.com/file/kum4cm5m5350tcy/3rdperson_template_42.blend from Ange Andrianavalona (Cray) and his homepage http://www.aandria.com/third-person-template-for-the-blender-game-engine/
If you use tiles image go to the UV/Image editor --> View --> Real-time Properties… . Enable here “Tiles” and “Anim” button. Under “X:” and “Y:” you must give in how many tiles you have in x and y direction. “Start:” is 0 (first image is 0) and “End” the last image of your tiled animation. If you have 10 tile in x and 10 tiles in y you have 100 tiles so the last image number is 99.
Here is a video tutorial how to make the tiled animation map and setup it in Blender. http://www.yofrankie.org/tutorial-animated-normal-maps/
Tiled animation http://www.mediafire.com/file/9jc97w772q8ij6z/CausticsOnTheRocks.blend
For a water animation you can also use a UV scroll script.
UV script http://www.mediafire.com/file/336v0pfgdi7ef9h/CausticsOnTheRocks3.blend
I have modified your script.
thanks HG1 for help links and awesomeness. the tiles should be quite easy because i was doing to same type of thing when i was making games with game editor. and thanks for editing my file, ill have to see what you’ve done with it.
oh yes and that yo frankie tutorial you gave me ive actually seen that. i downloaded it from you tube but the video quality was so bad it took me all day to do the tutorial. the only problem i have with it is that i want to import it in my game but when i do it just stays there as a still image. so i guess thats why you gave me the uv scroll script.
oh and by the way would no of any tutorials that show you how to make a player shoot that isn’t in video and is in text because my Internet is terible and i dont get much
sorry for asking some many questions i would imagine that you’re getting tried of all my questions
If you import a tiled texture (noraml map) in your game you have to make the setup for the animation in the UV/Image editor as descripted above and you must activate in the material settins “nor” and in the texture setup “normal map”.
If you haven’t or want tiled noraml map you can scroll the normalmap with the UV scroll script. The UV scroll script you only need an still normal map. With the script the animaition is very smooth. But you can only scroll the image over the plane, so you can’t make a caustic, fire or a smoke animation or something like this.
Yo frankie tutorial animated normal map in higher quality http://vimeo.com/5176805. I don’t know a text tutorial for normal animation.
Animate textures using texture face material http://www.tutorialsforblender3d.com/GameDoc/Texture-Animate/Animate_Texture_Step_1.html
Animate textures using GLSL http://www.tutorialsforblender3d.com/GameDoc/Texture-Animate/Animate_GLSL_Step_1.html
I don’t know a text tutorial for a player shoot, I only know a video tutorial.
For the player shoot I know two options to do this:
First is to make a 3D bullet with physic and a forward motion on on the second layer. On your player you have to parent a empty. On the empty you have to make “Add Object” actuator an add the bullet with it. http://www.mediafire.com/file/h2zqm22gysg84l4/third-person%20camera.blend (same as above). Advantage of this method that you have a realistic bullet physic. But this method only works good with big and slow bullets. Otherwise some bullets are not detected.
The second option is to parent a ray sensor to the player and get the hit position with a python script. So the detection is working always. http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=85219.
But if you want a realistic bullet physic you must calculate it in the script.
Some old text tutorials http://blender3dtutor.com/
Resources http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:Tutorials/Game_Engine/Resources
If you want some more resources you can look in resources forum http://blenderartists.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=36 or use the forum search function.
thanks for all your awesomeness
thanks HG1 for all you awesomeness but this link you gave for that blend file on shooting did’nt work here it is
http://www.mediafire.com/file/h2zqm2...20camera.blend thanks for all the other links i will have to try out some of the stuff here. luckily all the other links work