Hi people!
I have a question. I want to store some poses of my character somewhere, but not in timeline…what I can do ?
Hi people!
I have a question. I want to store some poses of my character somewhere, but not in timeline…what I can do ?
The pose library function http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:Manual/Rigging/Posing/Pose_Library
A forum or google search should bring something up about using it in blender 2.5
You can append a pose library so you could save it as a separate blend file.
thnakyou for reply… so there isn’t a “real” way to store pose somewhere like shape key
What you mean not a “real” way? The pose library seems real enough. Did you actually try it?
Actually no. Beacuse I read the reply 10 minutes ago, and I’m at home, I’ll try tomorrow at office. Anyway in the wiki tutorial seems you have to use the dopesheet so the timeline, isn’t it? The best way is store the poses in external file, isn’t it?
It depends on what you’re trying to do. A pose library is simply a specially formatted Action. So, while it may “technically” use the timeline, the pose library is rarely every actually used for animation by itself. You’re literally storing poses in an action… and that’s exactly what you’ve asked for. Now… this sounds like you’re trying to store poses to do something specific… what is that specific thing you’re trying to do? Perhaps pose libraries are the best fit… but perhaps they aren’t.
In 2.5 you can use the pose library without touching the dopesheet. All you need is the Pose Library in the Armature properties tab.
Pose the character, press + to add it to the library. Pose character again, press + to add that pose to the library too.
Storing it on an separate file is of course up to you
Thankyou guys!
well, I’m a modeler, but I have to test my models with poses (streching test etc) and make turnatables for chek. Now I’m using the negative value (frame -10, frame -20 etc) for store the poses.
just that.