Store system whith logic bricks

Hi there, my question is if i can make a store system whith logic bricks?

PD: pls dont say it would be better whith codig cause i know that but i want to doit whith logic bricks :smiley:

My answer is: I don’t know, can you?

Personally I tried and failed as this got very messy very fast. Not only is it better using python but (from my experience) it is only possible with python.

Feel free to give it a try, but limiting yourself to logic bricks can make simple problems really complicated.

I’ve made a store template you might want to take a look at here (using python).

ow yeah i saw u video xd i am an old subscriber of you jeje
well i was thinking it and this is the code i could use
if (Points > 2999):
print('You bought x1 ’ item)
print(‘you can not afford this’)

and conected to a mouse over and a message sensor
That can work?

i read it and i am already more python but well is a little tricky andthey are some terms i have still to memorise but whith practise i can do alot more. btw it wilnt be nothing bad se a BGE python tutorial series or one video in your channel cause u explaine really well.
Or it comes whith the fps game making series?

Yes Project FPS will include a lot of python.

For now you can try:
-Diving in BGE
-how to get in and out of cars in BGE
-activating actuators in BGE