Storyboard contest for next open movie?

What do you think? Maybe Blenderfoundation can think about this.

It would be cool to have a contest and have a Blender user from this forum get their concept turned into a movie! We could get a lot of creative ideas showing off Blender’s features! Would be something to consider. You should talk to BlenderNation maybe.

I think this wouldn’t work so smoothly.

Also I probably wouldn’t want to make a movie based on someone else’s ideas, I bet they would feel a similar attitude.

But then again anyone can do an open movie, it doesn’t have to go through the blender foundation/institute. So present your Storyboards if it’s good enough I might make it into a movie;).

The thing with a storyboard is, that it should always be possible to have it reviewed, discussed AND changed at ANY moment during production. From small changes to big changes. This means the storyboarding should really be done in-house, by the team itself. As long as you care about the endresult, this is the best way.

I think, with this they can find a very good idea… maybe…

Hmm… Yeah, but itd be a lot of work to go through all of the entries, and seeing the kind of animated shorts that are rated as good among the cg community, and seeing the shorts around here as well, Itd be pretty sad if at the end of the day none of the entries were very good.

Theres a reason that ton or whoever goes and invites certain folks to work on the projects, its because they have a history of quality work. Contests such as this(while undoubtedly fun) arent really a great way to find a base for the next short that will strongly affect people’s view of Blender, you know?

Just saw BBB, the animation is about 100x better than ED, and I loved the visual style.

First the story, then the storyboard. Why not use a folktale? At least then you don’t have to worry about characters, setting and plot. Worked for Disney…

Here’s a short folktale from Eastern Europe

You Don’t Know

An Eastern European Tale

A pious old man would each day cross the village green and go into the temple to pray. A soldier watched him do this day after day. One morning, in an ill temper, the soldier stopped the old man and said, “Where do you think you’re going?”

“I don’t know,” replied the old man.

“What do you mean, you don’t know?!” said the soldier. " Everyday I see you walk out of your house at this time, cross the village green and go into the temple to pray! Answer me! Where are you going?"

Again the old man replied, “I don’t know.”

With that, the soldier grabbed him by the scruff of the neck, took him to the jail and pushed him into a cell. Just as the soldier was turning the key, the old man looked around his jail cell and said, “You see! I didn’t know!”

Who can do the best storyboard?

I agree, the storyboard is a “non precious” thing (that doesn;t mean unimportant BTW)

Notion… Idea… highconcept… pitch… outline…script???

these are more important.

even script is dubious on this list…