How to get the storypencil Storyboard menu visible.
I already installed it in Blender 4.1 and activated.
When hitting N to show the side panel it shows no sequencer menu.
Even after restarting blender!
Need some help.
Solver you have to look under 2D Animation then Draw mode under Draw then you see
Setup Storyboard Session
That’s what it says in the manual.
I see now , used to find it in the view side bar menu N.
This feature can be found in Video Editing.
Storypencil is an add-on that adds tools to help the storyboarding workflow using the video sequencer. It adds many features to help adding, editing and rendering linked scenes.
Yes i know
contributors did not fixed the installation problems. for 2 months.
here hope some one commit the fix.
after I fixed I saw someone fixed it too but the contributers not apply the commitment. working version for Blender 4.3
till they commit fix. here it is.
Setup StoryPencil Session is now not under Draw Menu its on top of Header near Draw Menu. (if my github commitment accepted)