strange artifact when turned subdiv on


when i turn on sudiv surfaces nearly always i get wired black lines on my objects. they are only in realtime in the final rendering they do not apear.

i remember somebody saing it is related to the way how you model but i did not find any information about that. it is now over two years ag i heared about that.

anybody could tell me how to avoid those artifacts? they are only visible in solid mode. in shaded mode you see them not. but solid mode is the only one you have when you enter the edit mode.

any clues?

Did you try recalculating the normals?

Select all vertice and Ctrl-N



man i am silly. there was a note inside the blender guide to that.

thankx for the help now working on my head is a lot easier

Unfortunately this doesn’t always work.

I find when I’m working on high poly models, Blender gets a bit confused as to which way is out. I find that selecting sections of verts rather than the whole mesh at once, gives better results.

This maybe different for later versions of Blender, which I can’t get to run yet. (Still running 2.25 Publisher.)



i work on a human model and the polycount and the trick with recalculate the normals worked very good.

i am on 2.28

That’s all good, maybe it’s a bug with Publisher 2.25 then. :<
