I have noticed this in Blender 2.43-RC1 :
If you have more than one texture in the texture stack, when you disable textures in the Texture Panel of the Material section, the disabled textures placed higher in the stack are still used at rendering by the following texture if the following uses a blending mode other than Mix. Strange…
I have not yet had time to check in the previous 2.42a version.
Have you encountered this problem ?
I wanted to post in the bug tracker, but I can’t acces to it for several hours. Like a dead link.
I can log in but can’t acces to the page where you can post…
Checked only with the Zip version, on a Pentium 4 - 3GHz with 1.5GB of RAM using Windows XP Home edition SP1 - Video Card Nvidia Quadro FX 1100 on AGP 4x.