Strange behaviour particle system

So currently I am using a particle system with an Explode Modifier to dissolve objects which works quite well. However when I change something in the Particle settings the particle system behaves strange and not as expected. It creates particles coming out of nowhere etc … However when I just increase the emission count by one (it actually doesn’t matter how much) the particle system works fine.
So whenever I change something in the settings I need to change the emission count in order to not to get weird results. I can’t explain why.
Is this a bug?

Thank you.

Is this a bug?
How are we supposed to know if we have almost no information about your scene and particle setttings !
Why have you not supplied any demo blend file for review ? Please do so for all support questions so you don’t waste other peoples time as they try and squeeze out of you the information needed to help you

Excuse me. So here a demo file. It contains a 3D text which dissolves from the left to the right. I used a particle system with a texture and an explode modifier. When I hit ALT+A it behaves as expected. However if I change for example the normal emit value (any other change will have the same effect), the particle system behaves very strange. To fix this I increase the particle number by 1 and it works again as expected.

Demo.blend (5.27 MB)