Strange decision in viewport navigation

Hi everyone! May be you help me to understand why the developers make odd and unconveniant desicions in snapping to side views.
For example I have such object it this position:
I want to snap to side view (left or front) but in side view I want of cource to see the object in ortho view, it allows me to model it right.
First problem: when I put down ALT and snap to right view it do not disables perspective mod. I must firstly release MMB, put down ALT and put RMB again.
Second: I do that and I can’t snap to right view, like this:
But camera skips it and jumps to back view (?). what the f…k!!

May be there are any ways to fix this with keymap ?

Why? Because these are design choices piled on top of one another over the years, with no clear and defined UI design direction. In this case, there are two things interfering with each other:

  1. When you first hold MMB to rotate the view and then hold alt, view rotation will be snapping to increments, and happily disregard Auto-Perspective setting.
  2. When you first hold alt and then make a gesture with MMB pressed, view will switch based on the gesture. Which is, IMHO, isn’t implemented very well.

One could disable that gesture snapping in the keymap indeed. What I’d do (or rather, what I actually do) is just forego this alt snapping and gesture thing altogether. There’s a setting in user preferences, keymap: ‘Tilde Action’. When set to ‘Navigate’, pressing the backtick (`) key will show the navigation pie menu, which is fast, easy, and consistent in usage.

Don’t ask me why it’s called ‘Tilde Action’. One would think that ‘Tilde’ (~) would require shift+`, and not just `. :roll_eyes: