I’m rendering a scene with a basic character which has hair (short and dense). The character is also farting so i’ve placed a particle emitter behind him.
The problem is that I get an edge (highlight) appearing around the hand. There shouldn’t be any real particles about there.
I’m also rendering the background as alpha, i’ve also tried pre-multiplying the alpha.
To note, I haven’t got around to render baking yet. From a quick google it appears that ‘Full Render’ is associated with baking. Would it appear if I had baked?
In my scene most objects are animated, including this one. To this end I wasn’t sure if baking was the correct thing to do…
OK, (sorry i’m tired), I was searching for ‘Full Render’ before, not ’ Full Sample’.
To get ‘Full Sample’ I need to select the ‘Save Buffers’ option which allows FSA to happen (e.g. save out before compositing).
I’m still none too sure about the ‘Shift + R’ thing I keep reading about (e.g. http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?p=1127255). Currently i’m rendering, so tomorrow i’ll have a proper play and see what I can do in the node editor, if it’s even required…