Ok, I’m sure there’s a simple explanation for this, however it’s driving me crazy.
I open up either blender or tuhopuu under linux and add some text.
Everything looks good, but hey I’ve got some slick TTFs I’d like to get working, so I go to the edit menu and select Load Fonts.
I navigate to my font folder and select the appropriate TTF. It thinks for a second, then I am returned to the grid window. Nothing changes, plus I can’t select this newly loaded font from the FONTS pull down menu. All that’s there is <builtin>, what’s worse, all the text I’ve added is still in the blender font.
[hazmat@silentpower blender-2.28]$ ./blender
guessing ‘./blender’ == ‘/home/hazmat/blender-2.28/./blender’
fromtype1: no FontMatrix found
fromtype1: no FontMatrix found
Hmm, more possible information, seems I need a FontMatrix…