Strange grey blur appearing around shapes when opened in blender


I started with blender recently and I’m trying to take a 2D image and save it as a 3D image.

The rendered image has a transparent background, and the shapes are partly translucent which is fine. However i get an odd grey blur appearing around the edge of the shapes which isn’t in the 2D image (pics below). Is there a fix for this?


Thanks for providing your node setup :slight_smile: Would you also share the “additionalityv2.png” file?

Hey! sure thing here it is

Ok cool. Here’s what’s happening- you’re using the Alpha output of the image texture, but the image doesn’t actually have any alpha information. Here’s what happens when you show just the alpha channel:

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thanks for the reply :+1: for some reason the png I uploaded was converted to a jpeg when I uploaded it…

the alpha channel is there in the original png though because i can see through the layer when i overlay on a map

Ok gotcha. It looks like it’s not 100% transparent, even on the edges, you can see a darker gray on the landscape beneath. You can put a color ramp in your node setup between the Alpha output and the Alpha input. Drag the black handle to the right to increase transparency

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thanks - this did the trick, blur is gone!

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dope, glad it worked :smiley: