Hello fellow blenderers
I’ve run into a strange problem.
When I use a joystick button to activate a move or a scene change, it works fine, but when I connect an ipo nothing hapens (well allmost nothing)
I first built the scene with keyboard input, you can move around and look up, using arrow and “a” keys.
“a” is connected to an ipo that rotates the camera in game logic, it is set to flipper. When you press “a” in game the camera rotates upward, and stays up untill you release the "a"key and then it rotates back. This is the desired behaviour.
But when I connect a joystick button (through its own “AND” controller block) to the same actuator, nothing happens. Only if you press “a” on the keyboard and then puch douwn the joystick button and release “a”, the camera does stay up as long as you hold the joystick button, so something is registering. Other stuff connected in the same way works fine.
This happens in windows(XP) and in linux(ubuntu Edgy) and in the runtime as well as "p"from Blender.
I allso tried playing around with pulsemode or inverting the signal from the sensor block but had no luck.
Does anyone have a clue as to what causes this and if it can be solved.