I have problem with opening 2 .blend files . One is 90 Mb and second about 7Mb . When I open them they are empty, no objects in scene just nothing there.
How to open or rescue models from that files. Any ideas?
I have problem with opening 2 .blend files . One is 90 Mb and second about 7Mb . When I open them they are empty, no objects in scene just nothing there.
How to open or rescue models from that files. Any ideas?
Check if you have multiple scenes
Check in the outliner for for hiddden obejcts, very very small objects or objects outside of the viewport clipping distances
File / External Data menu, check if you have packed assets that are giving the file size
Check particle/physics panels for any cached data that may give the file sizes
Post files to a file host site and give a download link so others can review them
If You have set a…Temp Dir…In Userpreferences - File Tap…A Copy of the File should be there.
No multiple scens, nothing in outliner, no models, materials, textures anywhere, no packed assets and no cached data
just nthing but filesize is big
pls help me, attached file
CAR.zip (93.4 KB)
Looks as this file is seriously corrupted:
A terminal check shows: file CAR.blend CAR.blend: data
but it should show something like: file CAR.blend CAR.blend: Blender3D, saved as 64-bits little endian with version 2.77
Unless some of the devs has an idea how to uncover filedata and append to a new file it seems hopeless