Strange problem


I’m having a problem with blender when I click on Material buttons and then click some button called ‘0 mat 1’ the program freezes and I have to restart the computer. :o I’m new to Blender so I have no idea what this might be…can anyone help? thanks in advance.

BTW I’m using XP pro so I don’t know if that might be the problem

I use XP Pro myself, but I can’t say I’ve ever had that problem. What version of Blender do you use? I use 2.25 and the biggest problem it has for me is that it spontaneously exits when I use booleans in a certain order. Also, deleting surface curves in a particular order does it. Not sure what to tell you except that Blender can be buggy at times.

I’m using version 2.27 and also the toolbar seems to be having some problems it doesn’t display correctly I tried disabling visual themes but it only made it worse. :-?

don’t click the button.
it could be any number of problems. I used to have a problem that blender just stopped running one day. It would load and give an error straight away. In the end i reformatted and it works perfectly now.

So just curious but what does that button do…I just got started with this program so I have no idea how some of the controls work.

The button you pressed is for when you want to apply new textures or materials to a mesh which already has a texture/mat applied to it:-

Enter EDIT mode for the mesh you wish to work on. Select one vert from the object you wish to apply the new mat/texture to, then whilst holding the mouse over another vert of the same object press L, this will select all verts of the object.

Then in the EDIT buttons, on the left handside, you will see the ‘Mat’ button, with a 1 and a 1 either side of it. I call this the Material Stack, I’m unsure of it’s correct name.
Press the light brown ‘NEW’ button just below.
The ‘Mat’ button now has 2 either side of it. This means you are now affecting the mesh with the second of 2 mats.
Now go to the material buttons, and delete link to the material, then create a new material.

Change this mat as you wish, (add textures etc) then retuirn to the EDIT buttons. Below the ‘NEW’ button you pressed earlier, there is a light brown ‘ASSIGN’ button. Press this to assign the new mat to the selected verts.

You can repeat this process for up to 15 different materials per mesh. Except now I seem to be limited to 17 per mesh, wierd.

If you wish to edit a different material in the stack, left click on the numbers that appear next to MAT in the edit buttons. The left hand number always represents the total number of materials in the stack, and the right number indicates which material you are affecting.

You just select the mat then move back to the Mat buttons. You can also move between mats in a stack in the same way in the material buttons.

A tip if you are using lots of picture textures, change the main colour sliders, as this is represented in the material stack, by a small box of the same colour, and it can get confusing when they are all grey.

Hope this is of some help,


In Blender you can have more than one material on the same Mesh/Object…

The button you’re refering to, is to let you “cycle” through the materials your Mesh may have, and choose the active one, so that you can adjust it’s settings… So if it says 2 Mat 1, it means that you have 2 materials on your object and the active is the first one…

If you want to learn, how to assign more than one materials on your models, follow this tut:

Keep Blending and keep asking questions… :smiley:


aaaarrrggghhh… sonix I hate you… you type faster than me… :x (:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :P)…

:smiley: Sorry about that, I had answered the same question a couple of weeks back, so I just copied and pasted here.


Ok, Thanks!