Strange rotation (screens added)

Hi everyone,

I recently got into Blender and it has been a blast :D. I really like animating and till last week everything went great.
At the moment I got this strange issue and I think it’s best if I explain what I did:

The character I’m animating got some different actions, like Idle, Run, Jump, roll, etc.
At the moment I want the character to go back to idle after the roll, so I copied the IK bones of the idle position and pasted it at the end of the roll. I did this copy pasting technique a few times before with attacks (going back to idle after an attack) and it went great. However, this time the rotations of the bones are really strange. I tried to Google it but I can’t find it since I don’t know what to Google for.

Any suggestion or possible solution is very welcome!


Kevin Vermaat

Try adding in between key frame between squat position to idleposition.

Hi Ridix,

Thanks for your reply. I understand that inserting keyframes at frame 21 removes the symptom of the strange movement/rotation of the in between frame, however, it does not fix the core of the problem. Lets say I have 10 in between frames, it’s not doable to insert a keyframe on every frame unfortunately :confused:

If you know what causes this strange rotation/movement of the inbetween frame please do let me know :slight_smile:


I have been checking the graph lines and I see that a lot go from positive to negative and vice versa. To me the 2 positions doesn’t differ that much but in the graph they do :s any clue someone? All help is really greatly appreciated!

Having a file to look at sure would help…

More than likely it’s gimbal lock, but I can’t tell from your screenshots. If the offending bone’s rotation mode is set to euler (x, y, z) then that is likely the case. To avoid this you should use quaternions (a 4 axis rotation system of w, x, y, z), but the trade off is that they are harder to understand when working in the graph editor. But I’m not sure if that’s the problem without looking at the file…

What you can try to fix this is change the bone’s rotation mode. In the 3d view’s transform panel, below the bone’s rotation values is a field for the rotation mode. Try changing it to different euler settings, say from euler xyz to euler zyx, and play the animation to see what happens. While this might fix the one action, I might screw up others, so this isn’t an easy fix.
