Strange Texture Shadows


I’ve been using blender for over a year now but still struggle with the textures so I try to stay away from or use simple uv maps. However this is not usefull when you have a problem with your texture. I’ve created a spaceship with crosses like pannels running the side of the ship. These pannels should look like they do in the normal blender interface but they are all black or dark. I’ve tried moving the light but it stays the same colour.

Heres a drop to the blend file, would somebody be able to give it a sort of plain, non shiney metal texture or tell me how to, I’ve deleted all the original textures from it.


I know I shouldn’t bumb topics but I really need help and only 1 person has viewed the topic

The crosses are doubled and faces are overlapping, that’s why they are black on render. Select them all and do Remove Doubles. Even after this, there is a problem with crossing panels ( black spots in place of crossing ) - they still have overlapping faces. Try to make different topology without overlapping faces.

also, view counter is busted, it always shows thread count +1.

Really? I’ve don’t remember ever having that problem berfore but like I say I don’t really use textures. Thanks though, I could probably delete the overlapping sections and then redo just them

Oh… That makes sense. I can remember last time I posted on here I got loads of views very quickly!!
