Strange view limiting plane in camera view

After multiple attempts to solve this issue, and checking thru every parameter - I give up.

I have modeled a chess board with some pieces. When I go into camera view, there is a vertical dark plane that cuts across the view a certain distance back along the board, and anything behind that plan cannot be seen. When I zoom in and out, the plane moves in and out. If I zoom out enough, the entire board vanishes into the plane. This “plane” is not present in 3D view.

I have only seen this happen on this one blender file, so I must have accidentally switched something on.

If this is a particularly stupid question, then please be nice… or nominate me for some award (with prize $) :smiley:

Camera view clipping

No need to apologize… we were all at that point when we started. Smartest thing you’ve done so far is to seek out this forum. Lots of friendly folks who understand where you’re at. Richard showed you the fix, but for a bit more explanation… that’s the cutoff where Blender stops bothering to render, so even if there’s stuff that far away or futher, Blender doesn’t bother to render it. That can happen if you model is scaled up too large too because you have to back so far away from it that it starts to “hit the wall” so to speak. That happens alot with stuff not made in Blender that’s imported, like .obj or .dae files. Sometimes simply scaling down the size of the model will bring it into the default clipping range, or as Richard pointed out, you can extend it in the Camera Data Icon in the properties panel (camera has to be selected in the 3D view or Outliner for the data button to be camera).

Wow - Awesome and Thanks!

Ok - so I did this (sort-of) before with no effect. Specifically, I did it in the Properties dialog box (“N”), where it indicates “Clip”, and changing the values didn’t seem to have any effect.

Now I just did as you indicated by clicking on the camera itself, and going to the camera button - and indeed- there is another set of Clip parameters is just as you noted. By changing these values I get the same effect as was causing the problem. I also note that this occurs when I have “Lock Camera to View” selected.

I guess this is what makes Blender hard for beginners as there are sometimes similar functions located at different locations. One just has to learn what they do and when. Thanks again!