If anyone know’s what youtube is and enjoys anime then they feel my pain watching subtitled on it… Its someone hard to read the text. So im working on a site that will server up anime with better quality. Right now there is like 50 videos uploaded so not much to see, but input is more then welcomed
say, what kind of anime will you be uploading? hint hint… lol kidding, good luck, there are a couple of anime tubes out there. hopefully you’ll put them to shame.
Let me guess, This is all ofcourse illegal and a piracy act on your behalf sutabi?
lukus: yes and no. Soko no strain, for example, is not currently being distributed in the U.S. What Sutabi is doing by uploading this anime to a website, is actually beneficial to the company that made it. Thus, anime companies generally (not always, but usally) don’t have a problem with this, because it gets their creation out and about, with more of a chance that it’ll get picked up. Once this happens, distribution does become a really ghay thing to do though. It’s called fansubbing, and while it is technically illegal, most people don’t consider it unethical.
That’s my take anyways. Check this out for more info.
Lua is right, and I have no plans on selling anything made by fansubs. I will leave all media up until some sort of legal action is take.
So basicly as long as the series has not been released in the US it will stay on this site. Since I operate and the server is located there. It still wont stop me from uploading naurto, bleach and most of other well known ones :), I just rather uploads stuff most won’t see on other places.
I’m fully aware of what “unlicensed” anime is, it is still illegal though.
It’s not really benificial to the anime companies. Company X pays high fees to broadcast and sell anime in japan, Someone fansubs it, thousands of people watch it, Company Y pays high licensing fees to broadcast /sell in US, alot less people buy it /less profit since they got to watch it for free.
Additionally alot of anime will get put up on sites such as sutabi’s which are licensed, and im sure he’ll just leave it on there /get tired of removing them at some point and leaving them on there.
I expect neither of you would be to happy if I were to take your artwork and sell it, however i’ll claim the “fee” was for “bandwidth” and therefore it was acceptable AND that you offer no means for people in “every single country” to get it. It would be even worse if you sold it yourself (lets say a poster) too.
Oh, most fansubbers also make sure there is “not for resale” signs on the videos. They stop when it becomes licensed and they don’t own sites where there is someform of money making membership who’ll claim it for bandwidth when really they make quite a bit of profit from it, since they can easily offer aan xbox 360 every month to emmbers /donators.
heheh, I thought I could get something like that out of you.
there are sooo many fallacies i could point out in your logic, for exmaple:
-Sutabi isn’t selling the fansubs. Even if he’s making money through ads or donations (which are voluntary anyway), he’s not selling them. Period.
-Had you read the wiki link, you’d see that fansubs are often times good, because when shows get overlooked for U.S. distribution, fansubs create a buzz, and often times result in the show getting picked up. Yay! now little kiddies across the U.S. can enjoy naruto!
-I think it’s funny that your predicting what Sutabi is gonna do, even though you don’t know him. Haha, what a laugh. That is, of course, an absolutely retarded thing to do. especially when it’s really easy to delete files off of your server.
-Selling one individual’s artwork isn’t at all comparable to freely distributing something already airing on TV on another continent.
Yup, as I said, it’s illegal… but is it unethical??? most of the time, company x would say no.
heheh, I thought I could get something like that out of you.
there are sooo many fallacies i could point out in your logic, for exmaple:
-Sutabi isn’t selling the fansubs. Even if he’s making money through ads or donations (which are voluntary anyway), he’s not selling them. Period.
-Had you read the wiki link, you’d see that fansubs are often times good, because when shows get overlooked for U.S. distribution, fansubs create a buzz, and often times result in the show getting picked up. Yay! now little kiddies across the U.S. can enjoy naruto!
-I think it’s funny that your predicting what Sutabi is gonna do, even though you don’t know him. Haha, what a laugh. That is, of course, an absolutely retarded thing to do. especially when it’s really easy to delete files off of your server.
-Selling one individual’s artwork isn’t at all comparable to freely distributing something already airing on TV on another continent.
Yup, as I said, it’s illegal… but is it unethical??? most of the time, company x would say no.
Pshh. Don’t as if you don’t love it.
psst: He was talking about selling higher quality versions and for that to be feasible, there has to be a margin for profit to prevent it going into costs towards him. Many sites try to mask the fact that they are infact selling videos by saying it is purly for bandwidth, which is not the case. He would still be indirectly selling the videos.
I could sell DVDs that could just magically happen to have movies recorded on them, I’m not selling the movie but the DVD that happens to contain a movie, of course.
Advertisments would still be profiting from the anime, period. Donations are mearly another way to mask away the fact of what they are doing. Many sites offer something for donators, it’s the same as a membership but masked away since it’s all an illegal act.
It creates a buzz! wow? Since when was importing DVDs from japan impossible? Ah yes… It’s not, but people don’t want to splash out the money, they want it for free. Most of those who created the buzz wouldnt give two cents where it’s released aslong as someone puts it up on the internet, those who get to watch it in america probabily never heard of it in the first palce so why would they care? as yes…
p.s. the wiki link clearly states: alleged positive impact which means, the so called “buzz” isn’t exactly factual. even says some popular anime stay unlicense, so it can help it get to the US, and it cant? so does that mean its only 50% good? ah… Then there the doubt that, had we waited a little longer it might have become licensed in the US anyway,
Had you read your own wiki link you might had seen In recent years (after digital distribution) the code of ethics has fallen into disregard. Fansub producers focus on new and flashy releases which are sure to be licenced, and often multiple groups work on the same series at the same time as a competition (although often not the case), rather than to encourage domestic licencing. Many fansub groups are devoted not to letting people see a show which they won’t be able to see at all, but simply to see it now, and for free.
Well, Of course I cant say what sutabi is going to do, but based on hmm everysingle similar site on the net like his? I can be pretty possitive at what is going to happen. You know, people are allowed to make those assumptions.
so basically, he isn’t charging people to watch the stuff, but if they wanna watch all of the higher quality stuff they have to pay a whole freakin $3, and the massive bandwidth (yes, it really exists, it isn’t a myth!!) this really will suck up won’t matter at all. of course, of course, how could i not see that? such a profit he’s gonna be making off of this. He’ll probably even be able to give some XBox 360s out to the massive amount of donators there are definitely gonna be, right? :rolleyes:
Yeah, so…?
Would ads be profiting? Do you know that for a fact? Because, even though you seem to deny it, it really does cost money to run a server, buy hosting, and provide people with the materials needed to use the website.
Lol, yeah, all those dubbed DVDs people can buy from japan, with japanese writing all over them instead of american… just what we want… oh snap, no. and you’re right, people in america aren’t going to bother watching anime. oh snap, again.
err, no, it isn’t “factual”, but it isn’t “bullshit” either, so that’s a moot point. and yup, no all unlicensed anime gets licensed, but, sadly, i never said that it all did, so, yeaaah, kind of a moot point as well. and 50% is really awesome, IMO.
Oh, I read it, 'cause see, I’m not generally a hypocrite. :DOf course there are gonna be people who distribute anime regardless of licensing, there are also going to be people who distribute software regardless of licensing, and the funny thing, is that these two things go hand in hand. Sites like torrentreactor have tons of licensed anime, as well as copyrighted software. It’s gonna happen dude, there’s no reason to assume otherwise, or pretend that fansubbers fall into the same category as them.
lol, this is just too funny. I’m gonna let this crazy generalization speak for itself.
I really didn’t intend to start a debate, and it always ends up the same way. A closed thread, a pissed admin, and some poor kid out there in tears… lol, anyways, I see no reason to keep arguing, so I won’t.
Good luck Sutabi.
It would of been locked anyway lua, and you know it would since these sort of threads Warez /piracy downloads are not allowed in the first place.
Even if he isn’t charging for the lower quality versions, if he expect his sites to be popular at all, it’s going to cost alot (and it doesnt take long for leachers to link to his site), he’s going to have to find funding and, enough of it so it doesn’t ever cost him a penny. Narutofan If i recall spends over $2000 a month on server /bandwidth bills, I guess you’re assuming sutabi will be willing to spend that much on leachers? Well, i guess he might if he’s as rich as billgates.
If you look at any of the half decent anime sites, (narutofan for example, Bleachexile so on and so on), they are giving away xboxes, naruto figures, playstations, ipods and so on to donators all the time. Some publish how much money has been donated, so you can see clearly that they get quite a bit of money from it all.
Bleach exile:
- Monthly Goal: $600.00 USD
- Current: $22.00"enter to win bleach DVDs /donate" A while ago it was xbox 360s i believe. So they are making quite a bit and for there to be a monthly goal, we know they make that goal every month AND this perticular site has loads of ads… Hmm, donator = server cost, ads = yummy pocket money.
As i said before lua, for such as site to be feasible, you need to make enough money to cover more than just server bill /bandwidth since charging “just enough” is how you get yourself personally in debt when one month you go over your limit and are charged $2 per Gb. So if ads are stablising the site, then you can be sure there is some excess money there, im sure some would be kept back incase theres a couple of “rough months” but wheres the guarantee he’s not going to take some for “all the time he spent downloading a fansub” :rolleyes: ah yes his word right? from someone doing an illegal act? Roflmao…
Uh, learn japanese for a start eh? then you can easily import. If you wont learn it then watching that perticular anime isnt that imporatant to you now is it? baka baka!
Yawn, but if you want to end the “debate” thats fine with me <3 I won the last one anyway (please double check you sense of humour first)
lol, is that why you decided you would get your panties in a knot? since it’s gonna be locked anyway?
exactly, which is why he needs ads/donations! simple logic, but i’m not suprised you didn’t grasp it.
Lol, by half decent, you must mean incredibly popular. Look at a.scarywater.net. Man, they must be making a ton of money with all the hits they’re getting. but still, you’d think they’d have a bit better of a web-design, for aaaalll the torrents they have… guess they aren’t making that much money after all.
i’m having trouble understanding your childish writing style, but i’ll try to interpret this as something an adult would say, and repsond. firstly, charging “just enough” to get you by on bandwidth/server costs, or having “just enough” ads to get everything to work right would work fine. and zomg, yeah, what if he does end up with $5.38 in his paypal account after a month? he’s really rolling in the money, right?
if you don’t learn an entire fucking language, just to watch a tv show, then you can’t care that much?? lol, ok.
<3 right back at ya. but, em… you won the other one? what other one? you mean the one that was locked before i had the chance to respond? i don’t really keep track of my arguments with little kiddies, so you’ll have to refresh my memory.
edit: meh you know what, this probably will be locked anyways, so why the hell not?
No, but you seemed to believe this thread wouldnt be locked otherwise.
exactly, which is why he needs ads/donations! simple logic, but i’m not suprised you didn’t grasp it.
Yet you still don’t grasp the fact that a site owner would need to get alot more than $5 a month in “profit” unless you like to end up with bills !
Lol, by half decent, you must mean incredibly popular. Look at a.scarywater.net. Man, they must be making a ton of money with all the hits they’re getting. but still, you’d think they’d have a bit better of a web-design, for aaaalll the torrents they have… guess they aren’t making that much money after all.
A bunch of kb torrents don’t nearly add up to the same as a 150Mb video files now does it? 1000 x 2kb = 2000kb. 1000x 150Mb = 150,000Mb. Hmm, yes. A bittorrent site to a streaming video /direct download site is Really a fair comparison in terms of bandwidth. Of course bittorrents site are much larger, but the ads per torrent ratio is better
i’m having trouble understanding your childish writing style, but i’ll try to interpret this as something an adult would say, and repsond. firstly, charging “just enough” to get you by on bandwidth/server costs, or having “just enough” ads to get everything to work right would work fine. and zomg, yeah, what if he does end up with $5.38 in his paypal account after a month? he’s really rolling in the money, right?
Ah yes, the maturity of digging at peoples ability to write english… I love how people turn to such a thing when they lack anything else to say? Whats that I hear you say? Oh, it’s impossible to gain ego on the internet by not insulting someones spelling, grammer and god knows what else? ah sorry sorry.
“just enough” would assume you charge /advertise enough to cover your cost. So if it costs you $200 a month, “just enough” would be to gain $200 exactly, or “zomg” $205…
But what happens if you intend to get “zomg” $205 and next month your bill is $355? Your fucked if you dont have $150 to spare. So naturally, advertisments, donations, membership fees and so on would have to have some higher profit margin. After a couple of sucessful month you have enough to then start spending as you feel fit… Such as :rolleyes: on yourself.
if you don’t learn an entire fucking language, just to watch a tv show, then you can’t care that much?? lol, ok.
Yes, and it isnt exactly hard to sync fan-subtitles to run with your DVD, but most of the “fan subbing” nowerdays is about getting the anime now and free.
<3 right back at ya. but, em… you won the other one? what other one? you mean the one that was locked before i had the chance to respond? i don’t really keep track of my arguments with little kiddies, so you’ll have to refresh my memory.
Lol, its a joke, lighten up, the world isnt out to get you just yet.
edit: meh you know what, this probably will be locked anyways, so why the hell not?
Wait wait wait? Does this mean I can say: lol, is that why you decided you would get your panties in a knot? since it’s gonna be locked anyway?
The problem is that I wasn’t even comparing streaming to torrent download. I’m talking about the cost of just running the site. Which is gonna be lot, if your site is popular at all. Plain an simple.
?? I’m not “digging” at your ability to write english, just being honest. sorry if it got you upset. and btw, just because i have a sense of humor, it doesn’t make me a loser, sorry sorry.
Ah yes, the maturity of digging at people using the word zomg. you must only do that when you have no point to argue. :rolleyes: Ok, your “comebacks” aside, let’s say you go over the top. You’re making 500 a month when it only costs 200, and then it goes up to 355, and from there, the cost just goes up and up and up. Eventually, you’re gonna hit a peeking point, and you’ll know how much your making, because the bill will start staying roughly the same. You can then stop loading your site with ads. Although, getting $150 in debt isn’t likely to happen, as you can easily moniter your site traffic every day. :rolleyes:
Ummm, you do realize you just contradicted yourself, right? To sync fan-subtitles to your DVD, you have to know what they’re saying, and if you don’t speak japanese, and there are no fansubs (because they’re evil and wrong and all that :rolleyes:), there’s no way to do that. genius.
sigh internet humour is so confusing.
yeah, then i can use a really lame comeback, like, maybe: “No, but you seemed to believe this thread wouldnt be locked otherwise.” because that’d reeaaally show you.
Why is this thread going like this:
- Lukus posts
- Lua quotes several sentences from Lukus’ post in a lengthy post
- Lukus quotes several sentences from Lua’s post in a lengthy post
- Rinse and repeat starting from #2
'cause, damnit, it’s so much fun.
Uh… Cause it’s a debate?..sorta. and while i think about it, a pointless one (cause we all know im right, and lua is left :p)
pretty much the point i was making, but then you had to go and…and… make an attempt at joking! i could let this sin go unpunished.
Now they’re debating over the pointlessness of the debate :rolleyes:
you’re right… i’m just adding him to my ignore list. there’s no point to this.
Well I could comment on how your explanation was biased, but I think that might start another debate
But if you take what lua said + what i said = the true answer. An educational lesson for everyone.
pretty much the point i was making, but then you had to go and…and… make an attempt at joking! i could let this sin go unpunished.
Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, envy, Pride… 1,2,3…7… Wait, So theres 8 sins now? you sure your not making that up?
Now they’re debating over the pointlessness of the debate
more like agreeing Zomg!