Street corner

A few of you will probably remember the very start of this project. Well after a long time and a lot of work, the exterior of the building is finally nearing completion modelling wise.

The next step is to fill in all the space around the bulding, with modern skyscrapers, in a sought of juxtaposition, showing the evolution of architectural style, and the last building of its type.

Thankfully, only the two very nearest buildings will need a level of detail similar to the ‘Heritage Building’, so work should progress at a nice rate from here on in.

Shot 1:

Shot 2:

Screen dump showing animated flyby rig:

Screen dump showing wire frame:

As always I’m open to suggestions, and critisicism.


Wow, long time no see this one. :stuck_out_tongue: Great stuff. Loving the modelled detail level.

No crits, just get some textures up on it and some nicer lighting. Very dark right now.


This is really nice! I couple of things I noticed where that the streetlamp’s light has a very sharp edge (I think it would be blurrier, considering the size of the
bulb, but I could be wrong) and the wastebasket seems to be floating a bit. I think I see a little pole holding it up, though, so maybe that’s intentional.

Great work! :slight_smile:

Beautiful model
Can you tell me how to create the volumelight,thanks.

Sorry for my bad English-_-

Architecture was the only thing that brought me into gaming; and the ability to create what I chose. I love the style of the building, very nice job timmeh, two thumbs up.

thanks for the encouragement guys.

BgDM, heh got much more modelling on the other buildings first, before textures. Hrm I’m on an LCD monitor so I guess thats why the lighting looks ok to me, dark to you.

Clean3D, yeh there is a little pedestal thing holding it up, however someone else also thought it was floating, so I think i’ll make the pedestal a little more distinct, perhaps raise the bin a little. And yes you are absolutely correct about the lamp light, it’s edges should be far less distinct, it’s only really a place holder for now.

deathblood, the volumetric lighting is just a spotlight with halo settings. You can find the settings with the rest of the lighting settings in the Lamp Buttons

stevenhorton, thanks

Oh, wow. I’m impressed. Very impressed. Just needs some textures and it’ll be perfect in my eyes.

ok guys, i’m…stuck, i’ve been looking for references to modern skyscraper type buildings, specifically their lower levels and entrances and can’t find any that would fit next to my building, any thoughts or someone got some images they want to post?

WOW! Do you have wires to show for it? I’m curious how you handled this without N-gons.

womball, as I’ve said to every person who requests N-Gons, they are not the modelling tool to end all modelling tools. Still, there is a link to a wire screen dump in the first post. If there is a particular part you want to see up close in edit mode, then I can arrange that, just let me know.

I’m not requesting them I am just curious. Could I see the arch up close? The geometry looks rather clean from a distance. And naturally it looks dense since you have so much modeled detail! Do you maintain quads instead for geometry cleaniless? I’m more of an organic modeler, so I’m not as familar with building modeling.

Heh, I didn’t mean it like that, but meh.

Anyway, This is a shot of just main parts of the arches with most of the layers turned off to make it easier to see.